Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] [pron] could in " in BNC.

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1 In fact I have gone further and said a " mixed " crew was , in my view , infinitely better than , any " national " crew , one of the reasons , possibly , for the high proportion of Commonwealth crews was my established policy of spreading my selection net as widely as I could in view of the poor cooperation of the Groups ; to this end I literally plagued the various HQs in London — the Aussies at Kodak House etc .
2 Raising the trapdoor a little more so he could see out , he cautiously pushed out the barrel of the shotgun and checked for any sign of enemy personnel , as best as he could in his limited field of vision .
3 Once they had been admitted , every volunteer behaved within the mental hospital as normally as they could in the circumstances , and said no more about hearing voices .
4 She panicked for a moment , and then seeing the beam on his face , smiled as calmly as she could in response .
5 The British opinion , for what it was worth , was that by no stretch of the imagination was Bao Dai 's régime in de facto control ( they also warned the Americans that Schuman would claim that the French had gone as far as they could in Vietnam without creating trouble in French North Africa ) .
6 With an exclamation of disgust , she pushed herself to her knees and flung the offending branch as far as she could in temper at her own stupidity .
7 He felt he had gone as far as he could in the company and learned as much as he was likely to .
8 We just helped him as well as we could in the circumstances .
9 ‘ I think he ran as well as he could in the circumstances and he 'll go again at Longchamp in two weeks . ’
10 ‘ But , Noreen — ’ But Noreen was already walking away as fast as she could in the direction of the apartment house .
11 " Please , Great-grandfather , do n't let my father be angry with me for what Kim did , " she prayed silently , closing her eyes as tightly as she could in an effort to add force to her thoughts .
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