Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adv] that [pers pn] did " in BNC.

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1 It was just as well that he did n't know my long-term aim was to be a pro golfer .
2 And it was just as well that she did so because Harry appeared at that moment , to lead her out for sherry and soda .
3 He managed somehow to get under my skin , tangle me up inside so that I did n't know if I was coming or going .
4 It was no longer just that she did not like birds or could not bear to touch them — she could have coped with that , as it would not have intruded greatly on her everyday life .
5 The only way around these attempted take-offs was to walk very slowly so that we did n't build up too much ground speed , as airline pilots would say , and stop if Dawn 's wings did open .
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