Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] would be the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Money from the sale of an old cup that turned out to be valuable , that would be different ; Gran would take it , without much thanks to Ben for his trouble , and perhaps it would be the end of all her struggles .
2 ‘ But for that youthful aberration on your father 's part , you and not I would be the Earl of Kinmuire , ’ Mr Harvey had said .
3 Soon it would be the time for her evening drink : " Just the one , Gigi , do n't you think ? " she would croon when the old bird , freed from her cage , crawled up to crouch against her cheek .
4 Well , erm , what kinds of changes can be performed on me and still it would be the case that it 's me ?
5 probably it would be the efficiency with which my artists ' careers are dealt with , and my brain .
6 He thought that probably it would be the evening before Jagatan woke , but he needed to discuss certain matters with him before he left for Kinsai .
7 They were about ten hours in front and if she rang them now it would be the middle of the night .
8 Here it would be the peasants .
9 And they won a big prize — nowadays it would be the price of a family car .
10 Presumably it would be the Yard who investigated this one , rather than the regional crime squad .
11 In railway terms there were awkwardnesses ; all trains had to include goods and cattle as well as passengers ; sometimes it would be the cattle rather than the passengers who finished up opposite the Lydham Heath platform ; and in my grandmother 's day , Cadwallader had had on occasions to shout in broadest Shropshire to the driver ; ‘ hitch up the train a bit , Harry .
12 About one of these ‘ The Vandalist ’ which was presented by ACT Theatre Company and which is an adaptation of , one reviewer in a national paper said that in a festival abroad it would be the talk of the town .
13 Then it would be the left .
14 He is an experienced , professional negotiator and if both sides agree to arbitration then he would be the man involved . ’
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