Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] would [adv] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Walking alone I would never have made it .
2 I thought that perhaps I would sooner have swum in the pool with the crocodiles than draw to myself the hostile attention of that girl .
3 So you would maybe have opened fire directly on that ship ?
4 So they would immediately have turned to the second , legislative stage : they would have tried to discover which decision was more sensible or just or democratic or would otherwise better serve the community .
5 As for Edmund , the Danes themselves may have supported his cult , as the Danish rulers of East Anglia came to do in the ninth century , and if so he would eventually have become a means of reconciliation between the two peoples .
6 If a home help had been put in he would probably have gone down hill very fast .
7 Normally I would never have raised the matter in public but the Tories persistently use Points of Order to accuse Opposition members of misdemeanours . ’
8 Normally she would never have allowed such a thing on her own doorstep , but with the street lights out and only a few candles glimmering , no one would see .
9 ‘ Miers could not take the German prisoners on board his sub , and if he had left them to paddle ashore they would immediately have gone back into the German forces …
10 Whether or not he would eventually have become chief executive is academic : the move to Provincial seems to have met a need to apply what is generally considered to be the sharp mind and highly effective set of skills of this simultaneously affable and well-organised character to a more absorbing challenge .
11 She missed Maggie , though once she would never have believed it possible .
12 ‘ I think he had a great superficial knowledge , but if you delved too deeply you would probably have felt that he did n't know so much .
13 If she had not learned to clean so thoroughly she would never have taken each and every picture off the wall to dust both the picture and the wall behind .
14 Good lord ! and but for his hand going up she would really have brained him this time , and then where would she have been ?
15 So when we went to Stylus Records and Telstar you know they were more than than happy to have because they seemed but I think that at at the start had we been looking for somebody here to take us over probably it would never have happened .
16 Hence he would probably have remained open-minded .
17 Twenty-four hours later it would still have required access to a crystal ball to predict the result after some of the most enthralling encounters seen on a golf course since man first put club to ball .
18 If she really had n't felt up to coming out she would surely have said ?
19 But if I had called out you would then have heard me across the stones .
20 Well I would never have thought of that .
21 The sorts of experiences that you then get people talking about is really well I 've learnt to stand up for myself for the first time , erm I now know what I want to do , I know who I am , erm projects where I 've been involved , where you get women saying things like well two years ago I would never have dreamt of going and talking to the Council about my house , or my children , or that I ca n't get a job because I ca n't get child care , and I would n't have dreamt of doing that and people who now say well now I can do that , I know that I can go and stand up for myself and stand up for what I think is right , just as well as my husband can .
22 Surely she would never have behaved like that .
23 Had vocation advisors been around they would doubtless have recommended a commercial future on the scientific side .
24 Companies are keen to adopt the ‘ open ’ moniker simply for that purpose : how many suppliers these days describe themselves as open systems companies , when just a few years ago they would probably have sneered at the term .
25 Hartley 's philosophy was in fact an early form of the twentieth-century scheme of mental association known as Behaviourism ( Pavlov 's dogs were taught to salivate at the sound of an electric bell ) , and if writing today he would presumably have compared the brain to a computer .
26 Were he alive today he would undoubtedly have bemoaned the fact that he was the frequent target of what he would have probably called ‘ scribblers ’ .
27 If it has been made of lead , then I would also have suggested that it was a pommel .
28 ‘ I should have kept a short rope on you and then you would never have escaped me . ’
29 Remember how you would gladly have given your life to have saved his or hers ?
30 If the WCC were not to be involved , then we would also have to fund air fares ( say £1000 ) .
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