Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] have [adv] [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 So I have n't spoken of it , here or anywhere .
2 His smile was open and friendly , and suddenly it seemed preposterous to be standing here , on a Roman street corner , arguing with a man who had taken her from an existence that she 'd hated to one that was all she 'd ever dreamed of .
3 So they have n't heard of Bishop Jon and his army .
4 Now I 've simply oodles of money .
5 Until now she had hardly thought of Adamus .
6 Well I 'd never heard of salt being put down before !
7 Well I 've never heard of it and they I said
8 Well I 've never thought of it that way .
9 And they said Bowater and I said well I have never heard of you and then they said have you heard of the paper ?
10 Two weeks ago she had never heard of Penry Meredith Vaughan .
11 Eight hours ago he had never heard of any of them , now he was thinking of them by their first names : Francis , Edwin , Beryl , Anna , Cathy …
12 When I actually began to realize that there were advantages to being gay , that changed my whole attitude — up till then I had always thought of it as something to be sorry for , to apologize for .
13 I would not normally expect this from a Severum — but then I have never heard of a Severum eating Halfbeaks .
14 Maybe you 've never heard of Plan Z ?
15 Yet I had not thought of that banner for years .
16 I wondered why I had n't thought of this before .
17 Previously I had never heard of Waugh , nor of Decline and Fall and Vile Bodies , novels with which he had made his name .
18 They certainly were n't anywhere on the Moon , or anywhere else I 've ever heard of , before or since .
19 He sometimes wondered why she had n't thought of that .
20 She drew in her breath at the simplicity of it , wondering why she had n't thought of it before , and it excited her so much she put forward the suggestion without stopping to think if it was wise .
21 She could n't think why she had n't thought of that before .
22 Isabel wondered why she had n't thought of using the laundry gate herself , before she realised that it would have been kept locked .
23 Upmarket readers generally scorn to read about somebody we 've never heard of having it off with somebody else we 've never heard of .
24 ‘ I do n't know , but there might be something else we have n't thought of — like a dog worrying his sheep . ’
25 And yet they had never spoken of their father 's death .
26 When it launched a complete make-up range last autumn , it introduced ‘ Mirror Image Consultation ’ , a new way of selling which is so simple that all the other companies were left wondering why they had n't thought of it first .
27 Mortimer wondered why he had n't thought of that before .
28 Dick fancies that the Examiner has asked him why he has not thought of rigging a drogue ( a thought which has in fact harassed Dick for some time ) .
29 That 's another problem actually I had n't thought of that .
30 Actually I 'd never thought of being an actress .
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