Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [be] [conj] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps it was because of his father .
2 So it was that in our context ‘ the Holy Spirit said , ‘ set apart for me ’ some sixteen dear brothers and sisters ‘ for the work to which I have called them . ’
3 Probably it was because of what had happened in the play at that point on the previous night .
4 ‘ Now , Taggy , you know well it is because of her that he had nothing .
5 Let her parents know about her movements when she goes out at night ; she will tell them where she is and with whom , and let them know what time she 'll be home .
6 Travis 's husky question brought her to realisation of where she was and with whom .
7 Boeing had done their best to keep tabs on which aircraft had been sold to whom but some were no longer in service or had been damaged and discarded while one or two had even lost their identity , so that it was difficult to trace where they were and under whose jurisdiction they fell .
8 While people like Klein recalled events thirty years old in crystalline detail , Gentle had difficulty remembering where he was and with whom even ten years before .
9 Well , ’ Bruce suddenly stopped , recollecting where he was and to whom he was speaking .
10 Wherever you are and in whatever circumstances you find yourself , strive always to be a lover , and a passionate lover at that .
11 Nevertheless , the activities of TNCs , wherever they are and in whatever industry , are increasingly being integrated into global processes of supply , production and marketing and the theorists of the new international division of labour have rendered great service by highlighting these phenomena even if they have done so in a rather one-sided manner .
12 He finds it easy to sleep , wherever he is and in whatsoever position he finds himself .
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