Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [be] [adv prt] in the " in BNC.

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1 Continuing on past the huge oak door I had observed from the outside was another passage leading to a cloakroom , as the euphemism goes , otherwise a loo and wash basin and turning right I was back in the main area .
2 Suddenly I was back in the presence of the unpredictable figure I 'd met in the library at Easterness that first night , and as uncertain now as then .
3 so he 's up in the air and they do this .
4 Anyway I was back in the office when I suddenly felt hot and faint … you see I had left him on the island , with three lanes still to cross .
5 Ten minutes later I was back in the changing-room on my mobile bed wolfing tea and sandwiches , parts of which would eventually find their way into my now polypless colon .
6 Ten minutes later you 're back in the bath .
7 Just an hour later he was back in the same court to give evidence against three men accused of trying to murder him .
8 But now I was up in the air , and what with the clouds , I lost all my orientation Where the clouds parted , I could see the whole tube , land all around me , and it seemed to go up like a tower , so the town and the factory belt and the parks were hanging from the walls over my head , they were all going to crash down on me , and the city on top of them .
9 Now I 'm back in the guesthouse , and have time to do some preparation ready for leaving for Shanghai tomorrow .
10 Now she 's back in the limelight , but Alice still finds time to look back over 97 happy years :
11 We drove round in circles for an hour and now we 're back in the Butcher Building .
12 Now they were back in the Lowlands again , once more bound to the rivet-gun and the crane , the furnace and the foundry .
13 it did n't even make it back in time for 1992 when there was no competition so now it 's back in the UK it is appropriate that Western can enjoy its company .
14 He would not , himself , have mentioned the matter , but now it was out in the open it would provide something to talk about .
15 Only a UEFA ruling prevented tiger Tony coming to the rescue of Taylor 's injury-hit squad in Sweden this summer — and now he 's back in the frame for the Norway game on Wednesday week .
16 Now he 's back in the limelight again playing wrinkly wide-boy Greengrass with ex-Eastenders star Nick Berry in the country cop drama Heartbeat ( ITV 8pm Sundays ) .
17 And he 's looked and then , Well he 's out he 's out in the car at the moment .
18 Ah well they were down in the garden we said
19 He had told her he needed to think about it and now here he was out in the hills .
20 Then I 'm out in the street where the daylight hurts and the wind kicks dirt and paper round the kerb .
21 But fuck it ; at least I 'm back in the real world , and with a modicum of control .
22 in the morning , then you 're out in the afternoon .
23 There she was out in the street in 'er nightshift shoutin' out at the top of 'er voice . ’
24 Maybe they were out in the garden , walking around stiffly , expressionless as vacuum cleaners , as they prepared the Giant pod for Argol of the planet Tellenor .
25 Then he was back in the car and moving away almost before she 'd unlocked the door .
26 One day when I was out in the fields , I even spotted a peregrine falcon high up on one of its hunting trips .
27 ‘ But from where I was out in the audience I could n't properly see what he was doing to get that amazing sound — so of course I assumed he was playing bottleneck .
28 From where I was out in the audience I could n't see what Clarence White was doing — so I assumed he was playing bottleneck
29 Naturally I say , ‘ Hang on a minute ’ , and when I turn round she is off in the kitchen banging saucepans about .
30 Well if it 's like that now in the winter you 're not out much in the summer when you 're out in the garden
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