Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [verb] [adv] [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Luckily I did n't lose the baby , so of course I 'm very happy about that . "
2 Besides I do n't think the gondoliers work in the depths of winter .
3 rather I do n't think the advertising industry had such a strong sense of duty but I assume
4 There was something so wrong between us that he grew instantly fonder of me , and oddly enough I did n't mind the rest of the evening we spent together .
5 Er well perhaps I 'd better have a look .
6 Perhaps I 'd better take a look at her , ’ said Lindsey .
7 However , I 'm afraid Colin James got his wires crossed a bit regarding our catering vehicle , so perhaps I had better set the record straight .
8 Obviously I do n't want a wife of Peter 's around the place if she 's not going to behave in a civil manner to me . ’
9 " Personally I do n't care a damn whether you 're here or not .
10 my Lord all that follows now is that question costs in this my Lord there is no doubt that er this is the painful experience for both the plaintiffs and of course for doctor who is unrepresented and therefore must inevitably feel rather isolated in this matter erm , however in my there is no reason to er depart from the usual principal of the costs which should follow the event and of course we know as it the loss on the subsidiary appeal and so I do n't press the point on that cos the reality as you 've already probably anticipated is all the work has been done erm on this appeal the subsidiary appeal I ask , I do n't ask for costs on that , in my submission it should be both sides bear their own costs on that , the reason I say that is that there was no , there was no cross appearing in respect on it in effect , cos after all , all you were doing was er trying to get the same as the other side if we lost , so no worm of can of beans can be done by doctor I had one parallel in my whole skeleton on that , er , but we have substantially succeeded on the main issue and so I , I would ask that costs in favour of the plaintiffs on , on that and here and indeed below .
11 And erm so I do n't think the issues of affordable supply are quite the same as they have been in the past and I think it 's a very relevant consideration for this particular structure plan .
12 So I do n't think the stars on the diagram itself are as I see it are particularly important .
13 So I do n't think the George Street solution that they 're trying to work up is a solution at all .
14 So I do n't feel the same towards them any more .
15 Erm , having said that , I think lecturers tend to accumulate these things over time and this is the first year I 've run this course so I do n't have a great stock of things I can I can show you .
16 The problem at the moment is , we 've been on Word Processor up to now , but the designer is designing a programme at the moment , so I do n't have a programme to show you because it 's with the designer , erm all we 've got is the diary , that we 're kind of like again on the word processor , that we 're producing tonight .
17 They can talk to a player , warn him and if he persists caution him so I do n't see a need for this new law . ’
18 Yes , I have at last , and the I 'm sure that they lied in their teeth , they they assured me they had written to me after my second letter in March , er in fact , and they said they were going to send me a photocopy of that , in fact er she wrote me a letter in June , so I do n't believe the other one existed ,
19 So I did n't make a loss but I did n't make a profit on the bit of space that I need that I was using for storage cos I thought it was only fair to the poor bloke .
20 So I did n't tell the union .
21 But I did go to America and so I did n't see the climax of the series , Henry V , until …
22 I 've never had a hooker before so I did n't know the form .
23 So I did n't know the area like I should .
24 So I did n't believe a word Stef said .
25 If I 'm not teaching I 'm marking in th to actually get a lecture through cos I was given this with about a weeks ' notice you see , so I did n't have a chance to prepare the stuff for this course other than as we go along Right ?
26 So I did n't have the same opportunities as other young people in the post-war years .
27 I am not ignoring that it may be said that this in one sense is proving idem per idem , but none the less I do not think the fact can be ignored .
28 You concentrate so much on bringing up your children correctly , that suddenly you do n't have a life of your own . ’
29 ‘ The original sleeping beauty , ’ said John , ‘ only she did n't have a prince to wake her . ’
30 Anger roared inside her and she opened her mouth to tell him in no uncertain terms where to go , only she did n't have a chance to utter even one heated word , as he bent and covered her parted lips with his , kissing her with a thoroughness that left her shaken .
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