Example sentences of "[adv] [det] [adj] [noun] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And that she , you know her , her , since she 's taken on this special needs and I think before with Colette as well , that this special needs role has really mushroomed .
2 The six whose names have been put forward for election have to be informed before election night , as they have to agree to take on this responsible job and they must be there on the night to take the oath before the close of the meeting .
3 Looked very dangerous there , he got at his left full back , er the sad thing from Shrewsbury 's point of view is that he keeps getting down that right wing and he keeps getting crosses in .
4 So that flying club that you mentioned earlier on just finished ?
5 I have n't been so much involved in it as perhaps some other people and I do n't pretend to be an expert .
6 Hankin could bring in another new face as he prepares for the 15-match survival fight .
7 I 've seen th this fella came down and he was selling pianos and er he went down this particular terrace and he must have sold seven , eight , or nine or ten on , on both sides .
8 ‘ We have brought in some new faces and we have to try to turn around what happened last winter . ’
9 He had so much bloody power and he goes and shoots himself .
10 Their eyes met , sheer delight in each other in both pairs , and then Luke was kissing her on the mouth with so much loving tenderness that she could n't speak for quite a while .
11 She was muddy , her dress torn , her hair looked like it had been combed with a hedge , but she crackled with so much internal power that she was nearly throwing off sparks .
12 It is precisely because Berlin is such a true mirror of so much European history that it always seems to embody so much of the darker , subconscious side of the European identity .
13 There is so much ripe fruit that I just ask people to come in and help themselves , also I get to see everyone that way and hear all the news and of course the children love it .
14 I still prefer my green chesterfield , Bobby and it gets so much rough treatment but they mellow .
15 There 's so much random stuff that you do n't just details irrelevant .
16 Kuhl is a very experienced player who can control the pace of the game from midfield and Anderton has so much natural talent that he could be a match winner .
17 Sometimes you meet a guy with just so much plain humanity that it makes you feel humble .
18 After the yard was the house that was built for , and due , so much more life than I 'd ever been able to give it .
19 Young girls have so much more freedom than we had in my day .
20 And now er you 're like getting more than me so I so I want er I want so much more rent and we used to pay half .
21 This case was so complex and difficult that it filled many books of written record and there was so much opposing evidence that it was difficult to get at the truth , but he at last clarified everything and settled it with such skill and wisdom that all commended his extreme cleverness .
22 Balor had two eyes , one being invested with so much evil power that it took four men to lift the eye-lid .
23 They must find so much fucking stuff that they ca n't tell us !
24 There is something slithering along these shadowed walls and I can remember against my will the shock and the smell of seeing the steaming intestines pulled from a slaughtered pig , a poor animal with skin like a human being .
25 He had worked for so many nineteenth-century showmen that he was able to outdo them all .
26 There have been so many narrow escapes that it 's very difficult to say which one was the closest .
27 ‘ I 'm really into the guitar playing , because that 's what I 'm about , but there are so many other things that I 'm capable of and so I want to get some of that out there , too .
28 but then because it 's going into the body it 's also counteracting so many other things that you do n't want it to counteract .
29 My godmother — Helen — has given us such good premises and so many other advantages that it would be foolish to give in just because we have a bit of opposition . ’
30 Amphibians in the wild are food for so many other animals that it is not surprising that they do not always show themselves well even in confinement .
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