Example sentences of "[adv] [det] [verb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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31 Unfortunately this fell out on the third ascent .
32 The presidential year does cost the individual money ; if it is decided that one 's partner goes to dinners then this comes out of the individual 's pocket and is not subsidised , at least in my case , by anyone else , and it is entirely a matter of personal choice as to how this part of the arrangements is made .
33 ‘ I do n't see how this ties in with the clinic . ’
34 Indeed this emerges immediately from the fact that adjectives which are plainly non-restrictive can accompany proper names : ( 4 ) the eloquent Dryden is too learned for some tastes clever Polly left before they called for volunteers Even if we accept the view , less than universally supported , that proper names do have meaning , being clever is certainly no part of the name Polly on the type level , nor is eloquence of the name Dryden .
35 Indeed this corresponds exactly to the meaning of the perfect infinitive , which does not evoke the event come directly but rather indirectly , through the result phase which this event leaves behind it in time .
36 I have always asked myself how much Argan actually loved art , and how much derived instead from the respect he certainly had for his own intelligence .
37 The Moving Picture World described how ‘ the nickel palace of amusement made its appearance with no greater blare of trumpets than the noise of its phonograph horn and the throaty persuasions of its barker ’ and ‘ how these came unobtrusively in the still of the night ’ .
38 The more usual and non-Cartesian belief , that matter consists of discrete solid particles , raises the question of how these cohere together into the larger extended bodies of our ordinary experience .
39 The chapter will therefore end by taking a look at recent and forthcoming developments in manufacturing to see how these fit in with the idea of generic strategies and their implications for accounting — i.e. not just now , but for the foreseeable future .
40 The Harpenden test facility will show how these stand up to the high temperatures of the tropics .
41 We shut the place up early that evening and then all went round to the pub for a further celebration .
42 So I just kept on my way , letting then all come along for the ride , while I hunted for confirmation of what I suspected and feared about Gharr .
43 Only 25 of the forty aircraft entered were ready to start , and then several dropped out on the first leg due to mechanical problems .
44 Where there was no division , one or both teachers started the session off , then both moved freely round the whole class .
45 Yet all turned out for the best : on 20 July 1836 , Daniel Jones returned Benjamin his indenture , only too pleased to inscribe on the back of it the fact that he had appreciated the boy 's seven years with him , and making him a generous gift of five pounds in the process .
46 However , such important nutrients as nitrates and phosphates are generally scarce , because rates of bacteria decomposition in the soils of the catchment areas are low , and very little leaches out into the water .
47 There was very little going on in the neighbourhood , or even further afield , of which Purvis was not apprised .
48 That does mean that they have already had a very difficult exercise in terms of looking at an , an efficiency effectiveness distribution of funding and how they manage the service , and that 's very much tied in with the children 's services plan , which Mike referred to earlier on , and which is later on the agenda .
49 This act of faith by the Department was one which I hoped would be justified and I was very much looking forward to the challenge .
50 He said : ‘ The staff and the patients are very much looking forward to the move .
51 And secondly , and very much wrapped up in the same point with this , they 're also coy about the sort of people they 're looking for .
52 That was we were main one of the , my father seen er possibilities er when he attended the London show , he went er he , he was very much taken on with the Morris Cowley first of all .
53 The women were asked ‘ Do you find you have too much to get through during the day ? ’
54 I mean if women have been stunted by being kept in the home , you could argue that men have been stunted by being too much over-identified essentially with the work world .
55 And now the effort of hiding that failure was too much to bear here in the sunlit garden .
56 ‘ Or maybe I just do n't see too much to laugh about at the moment .
57 Is it is there not that much to do now in the flats ?
58 If you have too many coming out of the oven at the same time , some will set too hard while the others are being rolled up .
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