Example sentences of "[adv] [det] [noun] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sally-Anne had known nothing of this — only that standing with him on the ferry that day was sheer enchantment .
2 Conservative Members tend to ignore the dangers for women bus users because there are so few women amongst them at the moment there are no women at all on the Government Benches .
3 In Sargent [ 1990 ] The Guardian , 3 July , Boreham J at Leeds Crown Court is reported as saying : " You were so negligent as to be reckless as to this woman 's welfare " , by pumping so much oxygen into her during an operation that she swelled up like a Michelin man .
4 For example , the modern female hostage who falls in love with her captor may not merely be manifesting the well-known defence of ‘ identification with the aggressor ’ ( particularly since it is not so much identification with him as submission to him ) , she may instead be giving way to her phylogenetic id and its demand that a female captured by a male should look to him for sexual satisfaction .
5 Sloe eyes met aquamarine ones , so much passing between them without a single word being uttered .
6 There are so many pressures on you in the West to look good .
7 One man was lost in the Mexican desert for eight days , having had only enough water with him for one day .
8 Panyi island , where Sapan and Strawberry lived , had only enough room on it for the mosque .
9 An MEP has made the point that the Parliament has simply not put down enough roots for it to be realistic to expect it to increase its powers .
10 There 's not another cross like it in the world .
11 ‘ Although there 's not much joy for them in the one at his mother 's , which is mostly terraced with hard stone flags , and ‘ my precious flowers ’ , which must n't be touched . ’
12 On the right , his father was not many yards behind him in that charge .
13 Give them just enough food for them to be able to work for their keep .
14 Now that Luke had her , now that he knew she was incapable of resisting him , there was no longer any need for him to be seen with her .
15 There was no longer any need for her to be
16 There was no longer any need for her to be beholden to Fen Marshall .
17 Dorothy 's voice held a distinct Welsh singsong , but years in London had worn away any trace of it from Isobel 's speech .
18 ‘ It was almost like a downhill in places and there was not enough security for us in case of falls .
19 Either there were not enough fish for him in the Black Sea , or he could n't catch them .
20 The idea of a National Government was primarily an idea of the political centre and right : there was hardly any support for it in the Labour party — except from Mosley , and he was moving rapidly to the right .
21 Er so as it happened this girl had got the material erm a wild silk cream and er Elizabeth made up this dress for her of course er Michael Caine 's daughter i is quite a busty girl , you know
22 The two worlds of nature and abstraction meet when Stavrogin asks Dasha whether by coming to be his nurse ‘ you hope to set up some aim for me at last ’ .
23 When Stavrogin , who ‘ poisoned ’ Kirillov , and who also kills himself , wrote that letter to Dasha Shatov asking her to come and be his nurse , his mind wo n't have been bent either on or away from suicide ; he was neutrally wondering whether she hoped ‘ to set up some aim for me at last ’ .
24 Travis must have discovered her disappearance by now , and with a sinking heart she realised she had n't put nearly enough distance between them for safety .
25 That at least was the rationale behind the nepotism , though in practice Nicolae Ceauşescu 's brothers were as little use to him in the final analysis as Napoleon 's brothers were to the beleaguered emperor .
26 Yes , but you 've put twice as much money into it as your other investments .
27 This occurs about every three months , and I doubt that life would be half as much fun for him without this sort of ritual .
28 It 's got as many keys on it as an I B M erm
29 It is true , as Mr Chedlow has stressed , that he has not got as many years before him through which he has to live with this discomfort , pain and impairment of movement .
30 But I felt dreadful , like a bloated lump with one leg and no hair , so there are n't any photos of me at that time at all .
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