Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] over a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , it was the man at the opposite end of the park , Sieb Dykstra , who had the busier afternoon as he produced three crucial saves , the middle one — he was backpedalling as he acrobatically tipped over a superb Pat McGinlay shot — being the pick of the bunch .
2 He opened up a correspondence with the more pliable officers among Dara 's army and with promises of rewards secretly won over a sizeable proportion of his opponent 's force .
3 The varnish can also be successfully applied over a solvent-based stain if required .
4 The performance of the simple low-pass C-R filter is best displayed over a large range of frequency in a plot of versus .
5 The sheet of paper is not stretched over a rubber roller or platen as it would be with an impact printer but a sheet of metal .
6 Of course , as has been shown , neither English nor humane education were simply " there " , but had been laboriously constructed over a long period .
7 The total number of pieces of gum used in the first day should be gradually reduced over a subsequent period of ten days .
8 Finally the nomadic Parthians were followed , two , centuries after Christ , by the Sassaniansm who Shahanshah , or King , still ruled over a vast area , including parts of what are now Georgia , Armenia , Afghanistan , Bahrain and Iraq .
9 Er this being gradually achieved over a three year phased expansion period .
10 The series is also spread over a broad area ( both instruments sharing the same serial form ) to cover the first twelve bars of the work .
11 Some people are also concerned that water beds are too heavy for some floors , but this is practically never the case as the weight of the water is evenly distributed over a large area .
12 His horse , the reins loosely looped over an upright arm of rock , noisily nuzzled into the cropped turf .
13 Occasionally , one would flick snow at the other — although by now the snow was well trampled over a wide area .
14 Now she stood there , one hand on her hip , the other holding a knife dramatically poised over an oblong platter of an anchovy- and pepper-covered layered confection , watched by an admiring audience of Mediterraneans .
15 There can be little doubt that , in terms of property development , the LDDC has indeed presided over a dramatic transformation in London 's Docklands .
16 Trust me , he said — and then presided over an inflationary boom .
17 There 's really no chance of getting bitten if your ferrets have been properly handled over a long period and are never scared .
18 The results of investigations in all patients referred by family practitioners to a medical gastroenterology outpatient clinic for the investigation of iron deficiency anaemia were prospectively collected over a 17 month period .
19 He had until recently presided over a cautious freeing of expression and politics .
20 This technique was highly dangerous and required the skills that Cheshire had certainly acquired over a long period , but was equally within Gibson 's exceptional abilities .
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