Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] and [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This practice of marking searches , requisitions , etc , should be an invariable one for three reasons : ( 1 ) it compels you to consider each question and reply before marking it ; ( 2 ) it will save your time in selecting answers that require further action , and will avoid your reading through the enquiries again later on to make sure that the replies to them are in order ; and ( 3 ) it is a permanent record that at the time of the transaction you not only made your search , etc , but duly considered and dealt with the replies .
2 Any golfer who qualified for the Tour had assuredly earned and paid for the privilege .
3 Perhaps normally it was only hidden and distorted by the combered flesh , the yellowed eyes and teeth .
4 The present school , 1862 , has been greatly altered and extended over the years .
5 However , in that particular experiment there was no significant difference between conditions in memory performance for the peripheral detail although the central detail was better recalled and recognized in the arousal group .
6 There also sometimes seems to be a feeling that the media could have got themselves better organised and asked for the material earlier .
7 The ravages committed by man subvert the relations and destroy the balance which nature had established between her organized and her inorganic creations ; and she avenges herself upon the intruder , by letting loose upon her defaced provinces destructive energies hitherto kept in check by organic forces destined to be his best auxiliaries , but which he has unwisely dispersed and driven from the field of action .
8 In the tower was a belfry containing one bell with the inscription : Parish of Sego A.D. almost entirely rebuilt and enlarged by the addition of a chancel and south aisle designed by Sir Thomas Drew .
9 Travelling south along the lake-side road , through the village of Bowness ( rightly pronounced Bowness by the locals , and Boness by nearly everybody else ) , the scenery becomes more dramatic , the villas more sparsely spaced and hidden among the maturity of their Edwardian planting .
10 It made him feel grown up sitting at the same table as real university students ; engineers and agricultural science students , law or medicine , they had all sat and studied around the Hegarty dining table while young Frank was working for his Intermediate and his Leaving Certificate .
11 It owns one steam locomotive especially designed and built for the project which has successfully managed services since it was delivered in October 1986 .
12 To obviate these effects sometimes a series of control samples are randomly selected and interviewed alongside the panel sample to check on the likely consequences of these effects , if any .
13 In 1957 , on Sir Anthony Eden 's resignation , the Queen apparently sought and acted upon the advice of Sir Winston Churchill and Lord Salisbury , both elder statesmen of the Conservative Party who had themselves no personal ambitions at stake , and who appeared to have the confidence of their own party .
14 John Bland , as amiable a sportsman as one would wish to meet , is naturally disturbed and disheartened by the increasing number of tournaments in which he , as a South African , can not compete .
15 Entering and leaving conversation , bidding for a longer turn , refusing without appearing rude , changing the topic , are all notoriously difficult for foreign learners : tasks for which the language classroom , where turns are patiently organized and controlled by the teacher , has hardly prepared them .
16 These developments were greatly facilitated and consolidated by the personal characteristics of a series of kings .
17 This abstract work , with its brilliant sunburst centre , is somewhat marred and dated by the architectural imposition of huge masonry blocks between the glass panels .
18 Hereafter the penicillins were studied in countless laboratories , academic and commercial , and discoveries were made which enabled them to be better understood and used as the foundation for many new drugs .
19 The chainsword rose again , and fell , and Defries ducked her head as the speeder suddenly banked and sliced through the air only a metre from where she lay .
20 A Sudanese senior local official of the UN Development Programme ( UNDP ) in Juba and a UNDP driver , reported missing during October [ see p. 39132 ] , were apparently judged and executed by the Khartoum authorities , according to an Agence France-Presse report on Nov. 6 .
21 And that so I spent hours doing it done it for Marie and she 's only gone and swapped with the nurse !
22 Nor was there any instance , as far as I could see , of the faithful lover dying before his long wait was rewarded ; or thought of how the heroine might have felt in such a case , with brothers and sisters flown the nest , father and mother dead , hero dead , the house empty , and the mind , so long attuned and subjected to the needs of other minds , no longer able to recognize and adapt to its own needs .
23 The renewed mind is nothing less than the mind of Christ in the believer , a mind so under his authority that its presuppositions are entirely influenced and informed by the truth of God .
24 The willingness to share in the experiences of patients ; to share their sense of loss , disappointment , anger and grief and the spiritual anguish which can challenge the way they have thought , perhaps believed and behaved in the past , can add to your nursing care much more than withdrawing from or denying such experience .
25 Engineers are especially trained and briefed for the hotel environment as well as being equipped with uniforms and positive ID .
26 The first he knew that something was up was when one of the first arrivals had suddenly tripped and fallen in the undergrowth , cursing softly as he did so , only a few yards from the hide .
27 When the average intelligent person sees the wreckage of a crashed aircraft greatly disintegrated and spread over the accident site , the question he would put to the investigator is almost invariably the same : ‘ How on earth can you find out the cause of that mess ? ’
28 The task is now to create a new ‘ culture of education ’ in which curriculum is better supported and understood by the community .
29 Concentrating on the poems themselves , she traces a network there , constantly reproduced and extended over the decades , of specifically female genital images .
30 On the other side , the fraught quality is greatly heightened and increased by the feeling I 've already described that the Treasury 's figures are there and absolute and that to transgress beyond them will be the end of civilization as we know it , and interest rates will go sky high and hyperinflation will return .
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