Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] when [pron] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I was rather devastated when she told me she was moving to Crieff , as she made major contributions to the work of the Library here ; she had a long-term future , and her personality made many friends for the Library among our users .
2 The grant payable depended upon the number of children who could read , write , and do arithmetic to the satisfaction of the individual inspector , and therefore it was not unnatural that every effort was made by the managers of the school , to see that the inspectors ’ tastes in such other matters as food and drink were duly considered when he visited them .
3 She knew why he sounded so strangled when she saw herself .
4 Leo was crouched before the fire , and she had the odd fleeting impression of power , a sort of unconscious arrogance that was only magnified when he turned his head .
5 Unfortunately , the fragile harmony between them was soon broken when she found herself arguing furiously with him in the dress department of Bloomingdales .
6 Catriona had already laughed when she realised it was n't a joke .
7 This unease was not helped when she hitched her dress above her knees and squatted cross-legged on the grass to talk to him as he worked .
8 Cold , wet and tired , we pitched the tents , and fervently hoped that Stephen 's mother would have reported us missing , as she knew that we were usually good timekeepers and normally arrived when we said we would .
9 Hugh McIlvanney 's feeling for his fellow-man shines through , too , although his emotions seem to have been already spent when he wrote his tribute to the late Jock Stein .
10 In a couple of months , they will be moving to larger premises , which Walker had just found when I visited him .
11 One result of this difference of reference is that it is possible to construct sentences which will be analytic or contradictory on the one interpretation but not on the other : ( 11 ) Nikolai offered us the message decoded but it was not decoded when he offered it to us 4.2 One curious feature about these adjectives is that they somehow seem to modify not only the noun which they accompany but simultaneously the verb as well ; if this is a genuine observation it will be surprising on general grounds , since it would be decidedly abnormal in syntax for one element to simultaneously qualify two different items .
12 " My husband just crumbled when I felt it was me that needed to crumble and somebody to help me .
13 He laid its foundations , but it was not finished when he met his Waterloo and the Allies who defeated him were not inclined to allow the work on the Arch to continue .
14 She had only just finished when he called her to join him and enjoy the view of Gibraltar from the sea .
15 One youngster who loved to recite to him felt utterly rejected when she heard him remark that ‘ some unsuccessful applicants were no better than this child ’ .
16 Jane was a Welsh woman from the Gower Peninsula , and there was something about her that my grandfather had not realized when he married her after my grandmother died so young : she came of very inbred stock , and had periodic mental lapses .
17 Council 's papers , though not its proceedings , seem to be proving more open than the Institute ever intended when it introduced its sunshine policy last summer .
18 Kurt Masur conducted one of the finest ‘ live ’ performances of this piece I have ever heard when he conducted it with the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra in Nottingham during an English tour a few years ago .
19 Eating his bacon and eggs , ‘ Sunny-side up , ’ Sally-Anne had once said when she put his plate before him , drinking his coffee — he preferred it to everlasting tea , he said — he looked much better than he had done the day before ; no midnight drinking , Sally-Anne thought .
20 ‘ You were right , ’ he admitted , ‘ but I was whoolly riled when I heard what you thought on her . ’
21 He knocked softly on her door and his face was still drawn when she opened it .
22 Mere dared not silence , but neither could he see the value of , Emilia 's recurrent nostalgic reveries over their former life ; but he was deeply troubled when she drew his attention to the fact that the services of a curate could be acquired for as little as thirty pounds a year .
23 ‘ Bonaventure probably left when he heard you coming ! ’
24 She 'd inwardly fumed when he told her drug users were habitual liars , that they 'd say or do anything to get what they wanted .
25 And when he was nearly killed when he crashed his car on a motorway he had a Brahms symphony on his radio , which he now uses as his theme tune .
26 I WAS really gobsmacked when I saw your picture of a catwalk model parading a hat with a toy airplane on it .
27 Earlier , Alex Aitken , of the Conservative Collegiate Forum , was loudly applauded when he said it was ‘ intolerable ’ that taxpayers should have to fund the left-wing propaganda of the NUS .
28 That afternoon the wheelbarrow even stuck when I pulled it off the road for a break .
29 Phnom Penh government troops in some small outposts appear to have simply surrendered when they realised they were outnumbered , said a Western intelligence source in Bangkok .
30 He did not peek , but was strangely reassured when he felt her knees press the mattress down again .
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