Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [subord] [pron] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 We are better placed than anyone to do it .
2 Ripe Oregon strawberries are especially selected as we feel it best compliments the rich cream flavour of Häagen-Dazs .
3 Dvorak 's ‘ American ’ was so called because he composed it in the United States in 1893 , the year when his ‘ New World ’ symphony was first performed , both great works deriving from the same inspiration .
4 Indeed , I would feel greatly offended if you took it otherwise .
5 It was n't much read until they rediscovered it — Virginia Woolf knew it , she adduced it as an image of the essential androgyny of the creative mind — but the new feminists see Melusina in her bath as a symbol of self-sufficient female sexuality needing no poor males .
6 Catriona had already laughed when she realised it was n't a joke .
7 One result of this difference of reference is that it is possible to construct sentences which will be analytic or contradictory on the one interpretation but not on the other : ( 11 ) Nikolai offered us the message decoded but it was not decoded when he offered it to us 4.2 One curious feature about these adjectives is that they somehow seem to modify not only the noun which they accompany but simultaneously the verb as well ; if this is a genuine observation it will be surprising on general grounds , since it would be decidedly abnormal in syntax for one element to simultaneously qualify two different items .
8 " My husband just crumbled when I felt it was me that needed to crumble and somebody to help me .
9 Kurt Masur conducted one of the finest ‘ live ’ performances of this piece I have ever heard when he conducted it with the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra in Nottingham during an English tour a few years ago .
10 I 've always I 've always felt If I thought it was necessary then that 's the end of it er as far as I know .
11 He knocked softly on her door and his face was still drawn when she opened it .
12 So they pick up full speed and run for cover — and your net should be carefully positioned so they hit it just before reaching safety .
13 Several times she caught him looking at her unguardedly , and heat flared in his eyes , to be instantly banked as he brought it under control with his iron will .
14 So the council were faced were having to take a legal action because there was a whole claims that because the land was so old , nobody knew who technically owned it and it was n't registered as we owning it until nineteen sixty six , there was legal disputes about that .
15 Earlier , Alex Aitken , of the Conservative Collegiate Forum , was loudly applauded when he said it was ‘ intolerable ’ that taxpayers should have to fund the left-wing propaganda of the NUS .
16 Erm so I think it was probably quite well attended though there were a vast number of these green files left at the end so may be it was n't as well attended as I thought it had been .
17 It 's our job to bring you comprehensive performance results on PCs that are up for review , and we have to be even handed while we do it .
18 But now Taylor , who worked with Ward at Watford and Aston Villa , has written to City chairman Douglas Craig asking if Ward can help England this summer and Craig and the City board have immediately agreed as they believe it is a great honour for the club .
19 Even diluted like I use it , ’ the mother told him , ‘ it makes a good deal of my hair fall out , so goodness knows what 's going to happen to you .
20 That afternoon the wheelbarrow even stuck when I pulled it off the road for a break .
21 Mrs Funnell had got used to this form of greeting , but it was n't known whether she appreciated it or not .
22 The story has n't changed since we heard it on the radio .
23 Have you ever put something of value in a ‘ safe place ’ , and then forgotten where you put it ?
24 You 'll be fully recovered before you know it . ’
25 ‘ The Government is badly mistaken if it thinks it can take the heat off itself with an inquiry meeting in private , ’ he said .
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