Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [subord] [pron] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 This bird is so named because it incubates its eggs in a mound of rotting vegetation .
2 " Many happy returns , " he said to himself , then suddenly gulped as he put his hand to his mouth and looked around .
3 Leo was crouched before the fire , and she had the odd fleeting impression of power , a sort of unconscious arrogance that was only magnified when he turned his head .
4 Thou'rt got into a fool 's paradise and wilt find thyself terribly mistaken if thou thinkest my brother will disgrace his family to humour thy baby-face .
5 Remember to keep toe-nails trim and prettily painted as you show your feet to the world .
6 This unease was not helped when she hitched her dress above her knees and squatted cross-legged on the grass to talk to him as he worked .
7 Mother , naturally , had not raced since she broke her leg some years before , but she went round without let or hindrance like an eldest wife or mother-in-law from some older , more civilized society , self-possessed , amiable and grave , all passion spent .
8 Would men , misled into fighting for a cause which , in spite of claims made on its behalf , was a war fought for the wrong motives , be eternally damned if they met their death suddenly in battle , even if they were fighting out of loyalty to their king ?
9 Hugh McIlvanney 's feeling for his fellow-man shines through , too , although his emotions seem to have been already spent when he wrote his tribute to the late Jock Stein .
10 It is not known where he learned his trade , but if it was not in Raunds it could have been in Cambridge , where a Thomas Grumbold ( d .
11 He laid its foundations , but it was not finished when he met his Waterloo and the Allies who defeated him were not inclined to allow the work on the Arch to continue .
12 This certainly stuck a chord with the pilot whom I had just photographed as he flew his newly-restored P-40 for the first time .
13 Council 's papers , though not its proceedings , seem to be proving more open than the Institute ever intended when it introduced its sunshine policy last summer .
14 ‘ I shall not only be deeply wounded if you spurn my offerings , I sha n't know what to do with the things .
15 Eating his bacon and eggs , ‘ Sunny-side up , ’ Sally-Anne had once said when she put his plate before him , drinking his coffee — he preferred it to everlasting tea , he said — he looked much better than he had done the day before ; no midnight drinking , Sally-Anne thought .
16 We are creating chances all the time and I 've always believed if I get my fair share , I 'll score goals at any level .
17 Mere dared not silence , but neither could he see the value of , Emilia 's recurrent nostalgic reveries over their former life ; but he was deeply troubled when she drew his attention to the fact that the services of a curate could be acquired for as little as thirty pounds a year .
18 The advice we were both given before we started our long stint was : " Do n't take alcohol or sit down .
19 She 'd inwardly fumed when he told her drug users were habitual liars , that they 'd say or do anything to get what they wanted .
20 And when he was nearly killed when he crashed his car on a motorway he had a Brahms symphony on his radio , which he now uses as his theme tune .
21 I WAS really gobsmacked when I saw your picture of a catwalk model parading a hat with a toy airplane on it .
22 Mrs Thatcher , though , is there , and triumphantly there , and will be triumphally acclaimed when she has her say tomorrow .
23 It had been a long walk , but Travis was barely breathing hard , a fact she wished she had n't noticed because it underlined his strength and she found that such a potent attraction .
24 Whatever does Geoff Geoff ai n't bothered if she does your .
25 How any attempt was going to be made when she was in Mariánské Láznë and Ven in Prague , she had n't fathomed as she made her way down to breakfast .
26 I said I know he has n't left because I say his his wife works with my wife and he 's off sick .
27 He did not peek , but was strangely reassured when he felt her knees press the mattress down again .
28 He saw the man 's limbs , tightly clenched as he drove his horse towards the Cutcherry guns , suddenly relax as if something inside him had snapped .
29 Their commitment to the nationalisation programme of Let us Face the Future was fully demonstrated when they revealed their opposition to any attempts to ‘ water down ’ the principle of public ownership , as over civil aviation in 1945–46 and over iron and steel in 1947 .
30 My tiredness had now almost disappeared as I made my way along the drive of Brigade H.Q and out into the village .
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