Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [coord] he [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It was an awful place : dreary , badly furnished and he was n't as clean as he 'd been in hospital — food all down his clothes and he had n't shaved , he really looked unkempt .
2 In recent years he has been closely associated with Hildegard Fritz-Denneville Fine Arts Ltd in Bond Street where his knowledge and connoisseurship are greatly valued and he is still to be found on weekdays in the gallery 's offices .
3 It was later written that he was ‘ … right glad to be translated from Bristol to Exeter for , while the former See was poor , the latter was better endowed and he was not withheld by any scruples from begging for promotion ’ .
4 His return route is not known but he was much quicker than on his way out as he arrived in Moscow at the beginning of February , 1718 , only 8 months after he left Peking .
5 Best of the Best followed and he was back in business .
6 The Collector 's delirium still continued and he was undoubtedly becoming weaker ; because of these continuing symptoms McNab now substituted bark , chloric aether , and ammonia in effervescence for the laudanum and asked Miriam to increase the brandy to half an ounce every hour .
7 It was the only sport he had ever practised and he was inordinately proud of it .
8 His reputation as a brilliant , caring craftsman and surgeon has been extensively recorded but he was also a dedicated mentor of nurses , introducing the new Nightingale ward design to the Royal Infirmary and the clinical teaching of nurses on Sunday morning rounds .
9 Variety wrote , ‘ Though an actor since age 13 , Crawford had never before danced and he is surprisingly successful at it , in some measure due to Gene Kelly having personally helped him weekends during the shooting . ’
10 Sadly , Brian Rowe 's personal circumstances have now changed and he is not able to take up the post .
11 Jerry so he said he had n't seen but he 's not necessarily going to .
12 The farm worker still remains socially and geographically isolated but he is also becoming less bound by custom and habit .
13 His industry and skill were again amply demonstrated and he was soon appointed captain .
14 John Reith 's part , both in his capacity as the company 's managing director and as the director general of the corporation , in the creation of this ideal model of public service broadcasting , has been amply documented and he was undoubtedly able to exploit such thinking in a way not equalled elsewhere or since .
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