Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 An area of corporate discretion traditionally less constrained by bargaining relates to the nature of the work experience : whether , for instance , employees are allowed to participate in decision-making at appropriate levels in the organisation ; whether attempts are made to enrich otherwise boring jobs by rotation of tasks ; or whether the introduction of new technology leads to de-skilling or instead prompts investment in the acquisition of new competencies .
2 Managers can not motivate ; they have to operate procedures which allow them to identify , support and reinforce individual perception and this is best done through appraisal linked to professional and personal development .
3 Although I consider that at the relevant time Lautro 's Rules , and thus its procedure , were defective in the respects I have outlined , for the reasons I have given I conclude that Lautro were not required by law to afford to Winchester the opportunity to make representations as to why an intervention notice should not be served before deciding whether or not to serve such a notice .
4 A higher level of activator was thus required in dolomite compared to calcite , due to the more efficient luminescence of Mn 2 + when present in the Ca 2 + lattice sites than when substituting Mg 2 + sites .
5 When it comes to choosing cavalry you have fewer options than with infantry but you are still spoiled for choice compared to most armies .
6 Anxiety on this score is further fuelled by evidence relating to the outcome of proceedings in cases where bail has been denied .
7 As part of the June agreement , most restrictions were also lifted on technology exports to East Germany , which was to set up immediately its own special foreign trade monitoring office to prevent re-export .
8 in fact he was also booked at Easter to go to the erm to Florence
9 Turkmenistan had also cut off gas supplies to Ukraine from March 1 in a dispute over its price .
10 Since their work focused on certain topics it was natural that they particularly looked for evidence relating to these topics , and as examples of the rhetorical use of anthropology three such central topics can be noted here in a preliminary way .
11 The effects of this are most extreme at the poles , which are bathed in light for up to 24 hours a day over a short summer , and then plunged into twilight darkening to permanent night during the long polar winter .
12 John Howard became the spokesman for the group and was eventually released on parole to return to England to negotiate the exchange and release of his fellow-prisoners — a task he successfully accomplished .
13 Engels ( 1874 ) , in an essay on authority directed against the anarchists , commented upon violent political revolutions that ‘ a revolution is certainly the most authoritarian thing there is ’ , but he did not go on to consider whether the authoritarianism of an armed revolutionary struggle might not subsequently become firmly entrenched in the practices of a post-revolutionary government ; and he could not foresee that the ‘ dictatorship of the proletariat ’ ( a phrase which he and Marx occasionally used in order to refer to the political dominance of the working class , conceived as the vast majority of the population , in the initial phase of socialist society ) would be transformed into a plain dictatorship and a reign of terror , turned against the people themselves .
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