Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [conj] [pron] would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Above all territory must be effectively occupied or it would fall to the partisans ; this kept French troops from the battlefield .
2 Old friends would not want to know us , perhaps frightened that we would become a burden upon them .
3 With its aim of achieving ‘ a greater unity between its Members for the purpose of safeguarding and realising the ideals and principles which are their common heritage and facilitating their economic and social progress ’ , the new body became Western Europe 's first postwar political organisation , one which immediately and daringly claimed that it would work for ‘ an economic and political union ’ .
4 In the hotel the count had merely said that they would stay with him , not with his sister and himself .
5 The floor is highly polished and you would keep slipping over . ’ ‘
6 He had rightly judged that it would have been unwise for him to associate himself with the movement of the Earl of Lancaster or with Rent 's conspiracy .
7 You are invited to contact them via the Reader Service Card , and if you contact them by other means it would be greatly appreciated if you would mention that you read them in CHEMISTRY IN BRITAIN .
8 A colleague of mine , in an inner-city team ministry , which faces a thousand funerals a year , can not be as personally involved as he would wish .
9 However , on the following day the Tadjik CP first secretary Kakhar Makhkamov , Supreme Soviet Presidium President Gaibnazar Pallayev and Prime Minister Izatullo Khayeyev all announced that they would remain in office until the Tadjik CP and Supreme Soviet released them from their duties .
10 She had not reflected upon what , alone , she would be , had perhaps assumed that she would sit motionless as a statue with vacant eyes .
11 Women who grow excess facial and body hair often find that their confidence is so destroyed that they would benefit from psychological counselling , according to the Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin .
12 Her father 's loving- ( or lying- ) competition , designed though it may be to give her the best part of England ( which he is also giving himself , of course , since he intends to live in retirement with her ) , and revealing , in a way , his love for her , is nevertheless so constructed that she would have to compete with hypocrisy in order to win .
13 Sure enough , Joseph Chamberlain and others proceeded to do just that ; and sure enough , it was the Canadians who patiently but persistently explained that they would have none of it .
14 The Act does not define what actually constitutes an artistic work , though it is generally accepted that it would cover any product made by an artist or craftsperson , which is normally unique , hand-made and makes a personal expressive statement .
15 The Tory party has not said that it would ensure that rural areas do not suffer disproportionately as a result .
16 I had , however , already decided that I would do hypothetically as I would in practice for an Uaru tank — collect my own gravel and rocks fro the wild state .
17 She had already decided that she would cook dinner .
18 The England hooker , who has already said that he would have accepted only the usual expenses had he undertaken this summer 's tour of the Republic marking the South African Rugby Board 's centenary , has now been quoted as saying that ‘ remuneration was mentioned . ’
19 And she had somehow thought that he would have known that she could not go .
20 It is not envisaged that we would have to use them for the offshore industry , but the provisions provide a safety net .
21 Erm certainly we 'd not anticipated that it would outweigh existing structure plan policies or outweigh existing Policy E two .
22 We have just agreed that we would allow suggestions about procedures and other suggestions about the way the Company is run .
23 We have already noted that she would have started as a reading girl , at 4s or 5s a week , before learning the lay of the type case and eventually starting work setting type .
24 Erm er I 'm very grateful to Dr and I 'll offer him another story , a woman who 's now died whom I used to visit who sat with her coal fire set but not lit until someone would come to the door .
25 But it was soon settled that he would stay at home only till Ruari was better .
26 My mother has just arrived and I would say from the look of her she is all set to greet you as a long-lost child . ’
27 The League had already declared that it would boycott the investiture and , when he stood up to speak , a hundred or so extremists began shouting and jeering , and dozens had to be dragged off by the police before he could be heard .
28 In the face of growing public pressure , however , Gates , who had been temporarily suspended in the immediate aftermath of the March 3 incident , finally announced that he would retire in April 1992 , provided that a replacement had been found .
29 He was cleared at Bow Street Magistrate Court in January last year because he was not asked whether he would prefer to give a urine or blood sample at Vine Street police station .
30 ( The Japanese government nevertheless announced that it would resume a major aid programme to China which had been frozen in 1989 , arguing that it was not in the interest of the world to try to isolate China . )
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