Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [conj] [pron] [adv] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 It might be thought reasonable to treat all cases of NSU so diagnosed when they initially present to the clinic as if they had a sexually transmitted disease and prescribe appropriate antibiotics , and , indeed , this is common practice in most clinics .
2 If your life is so rushed that you only have five to ten minutes for lunch , and your body knows that you have to consume at least 300–400 calories in order to make it through until the evening , it is going to look for a very convenient solution , and that means , high calorie , low volume food that is readily available , such as a chunky cheese sandwich , or worse still , a chocolate bar .
3 On the one hand , there will be those whose belief in the concept is so definite and so fixed that they almost allow it to rule their lives .
4 They were less reassured when he also let it be known that Annagannihy was not being considered only as an ‘ asbestos-related dump , but that other forms of dumping might take place ’ .
5 Our body is now so much improved that we actually feel happier with it .
6 So first of all performance is greatly improved cos we now have the S Q L or Four G L code stored inside the server and we send a message-based protocol across the network , a small request to invoke that rou routine or function from the repository and return the results .
7 Caecilians are rarely seen for they seldom come to the surface except at night and even if they are accidentally dug up , they may well be mistaken for brightly coloured earthworms .
8 ‘ The discourtesy shown to me , down to the last detail … was not expected and I profoundly resent it , ’ he wrote to his brother after a visit to the new Prime Minister at Chequers .
9 In my own drama teaching I rarely use games with a class that I know well , but when I 'm working with a class that I 've not met before I often begin the session with a short concentration exercise and then a simple game .
10 Third , in many cases policies are not evaluated because they often tend to be unsuccessful .
11 A lot of them letters that come out are already done and you just delete
12 The edge of the dorsal fin is not tapered and they often exhibit a dark band running along the flank from the eye to the caudal fin .
13 The net is thus supported and I then push the sideways slackness of the net in either direction from me with a movement of either hand .
14 Reinforce those opinions and attitudes already held where they still reflect what the company wants them to be , and thus protect the status quo .
15 I still , I s it 's still swollen and I still have n't got my full grip , I 'm seeing the surgeon again today
16 ‘ Have you ever noticed that we seldom talk to each other at meals normally ? ’
17 My bill falls into two parts , one which deals with the need for a full franchise it is sometimes mistakenly believed that we already have a full franchise in this country , but whereas legislation was passed in the past in order to extend the franchise , in recent years we have let matters slip considerably on the methods that are used for registration and no longer can we claim to have that full franchise .
18 The mood-altering substances and behaviour are still continued because they still work : they still alter the mood .
19 The parameter b , which characterizes the advantage of defectors against cooperators , is thus the only parameter in our model ; none of our findings are qualitatively altered if we instead set P= , with positive but significantly below unity ( so that is strictly satisfied ) .
20 Legislation alone can not overturn the ideologies and assumptions underpinning male domination which are rarely spoken and which often seem so natural to those who hold them that they are not even aware of them .
21 I realise this is higher than originally envisaged but I firmly believe our approach will lead to the best result .
22 This was a time of panic , in which one farmer alleged that a thousand of his sheep had been killed by these parrots ; but it is now known that they rarely kill sheep .
23 And before Bill Robins left for Sanderstown he gave me his address and telephone number , saying , ‘ I 'll be really hurt if you ever come to Sanderstown and do n't look me up .
24 It is often stated that we only use 10 per cent of our brain .
25 if it was n't completed and we still bring it in can we write it down or ?
26 Word of St George 's high interest has been well publicised but they still have failed to gain Ofahengaue 's services .
27 And one of the differences that anorexia can become much more visible and identifiable , whereas those of us who have experienced bulimia , which I had for thirteen years , can be extremely secret and well disguised because we normally do n't change from normal body weight .
28 It is excellent for skiing since lateral jumping movements can be used , the calves get well stretched and you also develop posture , balance and co-ordination .
29 It is well known that they always develop their more satisfying choreographic ideas when working with a group of dancers whose abilities they know .
30 That help can be readily given if we only have the faith to ask .
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