Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [conj] [pron] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I was rather devastated when she told me she was moving to Crieff , as she made major contributions to the work of the Library here ; she had a long-term future , and her personality made many friends for the Library among our users .
2 The grant payable depended upon the number of children who could read , write , and do arithmetic to the satisfaction of the individual inspector , and therefore it was not unnatural that every effort was made by the managers of the school , to see that the inspectors ’ tastes in such other matters as food and drink were duly considered when he visited them .
3 We are better placed than anyone to do it .
4 Blanche drove on and three hours later she was safe in Dornaway Castle , where she seemed so shaken that they put her straight to bed .
5 And , anyway , she was n't so deluded that she thought they might make a life together .
6 For example one woman set fire to her kitchen accidentally and the carer , her neighbour , realised that it would not be safe for her to remain at home ; another carer , a husband , found himself becoming so stressed that he struck his wife ; he then requested institutional care .
7 He had dark eyes , thickly lashed and they regarded her steadily almost as if he knew her .
8 She knew why he sounded so strangled when she saw herself .
9 Beside her , the lamp suddenly rattled and she felt her hair lift .
10 The performances on this new disc are first-rate ; indeed they are so polished that I found myself occasionally longing for something with a little more humanity and which more faithfully reflected what were in all probability the more rough-and-ready sounds of the Kürbs-Hütte clientele .
11 This bird is so named because it incubates its eggs in a mound of rotting vegetation .
12 ‘ But you were looking so absorbed that I guessed you were admiring that wonderful bureau . ’
13 Even if the worst happens and you lose your job , your lover , your hair , your hope of a long life , you 're only defeated if you let yourself be .
14 Ripe Oregon strawberries are especially selected as we feel it best compliments the rich cream flavour of Häagen-Dazs .
15 He slept when he was sleepy , ate when he was hungry , only talked if he had something to say , whether there were guests in the house or not .
16 " Many happy returns , " he said to himself , then suddenly gulped as he put his hand to his mouth and looked around .
17 out of those , and one will win and we 'll have a second and third prize and the fourth and fifth will be runners up and erm highly commended or what have you .
18 Dvorak 's ‘ American ’ was so called because he composed it in the United States in 1893 , the year when his ‘ New World ’ symphony was first performed , both great works deriving from the same inspiration .
19 It looked like half a letter T. The needle was so bent that I knew I knew that I would not be able to remove it in the usual way , so I took my heavy pliers ( the ones with which I behead the Passap/Pfaff needles when they got damaged ) and cut off the top of the needle , below the bend .
20 Every so often , and it 's not often enough , we at Guitarist Mansions get a review guitar through the post which is well-built , reasonably priced , nicely styled and which does what it says it does , with no design gimmickry , cheap glitter or high-falutin' bumph claiming it to be a ‘ sound revolution ’ , or some equally laughable piece of flannel .
21 Their home is my home , ’ he went on coldly , ‘ and they 'd be extremely hurt if they thought I believed otherwise . ’
22 Bacon and Bungay were so exhausted that they set their servant , Miles , to watch it whilst they were asleep , under the instruction that they should be woken if the head started speaking .
23 She was so exhausted that she let me help her without protesting , and finally we sat down together near the fire with our cups of tea .
24 The tea was much appreciated but everyone urged her not to leave the cellar again .
25 Some people have average abilities , but are so driven that they get their way .
26 Leo was crouched before the fire , and she had the odd fleeting impression of power , a sort of unconscious arrogance that was only magnified when he turned his head .
27 Libion , the kindly café proprietor , was so exasperated that he had them all thrown out .
28 Indeed , I would feel greatly offended if you took it otherwise .
29 Annie laughed once more as Billy put a hand up to his lips in mock horror and then her face suddenly flushed as she realised he was appraising her .
30 Extraordinary as those visits were — and as warmly welcomed as he found himself in the diverse Kesparates of Yzordderrex — the city state was an autocracy of the most extreme kind , its excesses dwarfing the repressions of the country he 'd been born in .
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