Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [adv] [coord] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 She had been badly shaken up and obviously distressed by the experience .
2 The s the revolution of social services called for a rolling programme and a rolling review and the amendment Mr is utterly meaningless because the matter will be constantly referred back and further considered by social services whatever the amendment says that 's what the original resolution said .
3 oh I see so what 's today Thursday , he 's only got today and tomorrow left has n't he for skiing
4 Sally quite enjoyed the visits but Paula had no patience for making conversation with Gran , who tended to have very old-fashioned , dyed-in-the-wool ideas and was easily shocked , and she hated having to eat her way through the ham salad and bread and butter , Victoria sponge and tinned fruit and cream which Gran not only laid on but also piled high on her plate because she thought Paula much too thin .
5 You must be able to remove it quickly in case of fire , or some other emergency , so attach it to the window surround with double-sided tape , which can be easily ripped away or frequently replaced if you want to open up all the windows for a weekly blast of fresh air through the home .
6 ‘ At first I thought he had just blown up or even broken down .
7 Carbamyl valine thus released immediately and quantitatively converted spontaneously to VH , which was extracted and quantitated by high-performance liquid chromatography .
8 The whiggish notion that such writing might be somehow improved on or even supplanted by the critical mass-production of the anglophone academy is quite self-delusory .
9 He 's there , still curled up and still secured by the tape , but he must have wriggled his way through to here while you were down in the cellar ; he 's knocked over a table with the phone on it and he 's just turning the phone the right way up as you enter the lounge and see him .
10 Nevertheless , it is good to see a film about a region which is often written about but rarely filmed .
11 The development plans which they produced in the first decade of independence were for the most part competent , well thought out and well presented .
12 ( h ) I have no evidence at all from her mother or from any other source that Miss T. 's following of some of the beliefs and some of the practices is so well thought out or deeply considered or sincerely held that the conviction is one which would necessarily lead her to an irrevocable refusal .
13 Well set out and interestingly written .
14 Both Salvadorean and Honduras security forces have raided the camps and refugees and community workers have been badly beaten up or even killed .
15 What is rarely stated openly but constantly implied is that the younger generation should be less negative because they know better ; they are university educated men .
16 Programmes likely to produce such action ought , rather , to be spotted within the BBC in advance and either adjusted suitably or else supported by the Governors in such a way that the politicians would be quietly told , in effect , that if they wished to object they risked on this occasion a larger row than they might want .
17 A number of well-known and controversial incidents involving the security services — among them the Benjamin Greene affair , the Hess mission , and the Tyler Kent case — are either omitted altogether or merely mentioned in passing .
18 The reforms already set in train were either dropped immediately or gradually diluted , and from 1883 a period of intense reaction set in .
19 As we drew closer , everybody else slowed down and eventually stopped .
20 ‘ Let's see if we can get in from the inside as this door is either seized up or securely locked . ’
21 Once the body had been placed in the coffin and the fitted pillow positioned under the head , these ‘ sheets ’ were folded over the remains and either pinned together or roughly sewn into place .
22 A pedagogical grammar , on the other hand , is a handbook based on a descriptive analysis , which includes sets of language learning drills , neatly set out and systematically arranged according to the structure of the language and the needs of the student .
23 However , recent studies in this country and abroad have revealed that the majority of women who combine exercise , dietary recommendations and supplements have found that their symptoms have either cleared up or considerably improved .
24 VET research in Britain is very fragmented , poorly developed theoretically and often geared to short-term objectives of policy evaluation .
25 Richie dialled the number he had never written down but always carried in his memory .
26 Hitherto , music other than the anonymous , never written down and therefore lost music of the people — had been the affair of the Church or the court or great nobles .
27 The early development of Britain as an urban industrial society bequeathed to the twentieth century a huge stock of dwellings which were old , small , densely packed together , often poorly built originally and badly maintained subsequently .
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