Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [coord] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 John slowly rose and sat at the table where he was soon joined by the two women .
2 The launch , however , behaved like a well-trained work-horse and merely rose and fell with the swell .
3 The Mason only snorted and cursed like a horse with croup .
4 That leaves mothers , children and older people behind in the mad scramble for the doors when the bus arrives , to stand packed together jolted and elbowed for the long slow journeys .
5 The difficulty lies in the fact that the governmental authorities , however highly principled and dedicated to the welfare of the citizenry , are essentially a vested interest running an organization which , to a greater or lesser degree , is designed to preserve and promote the continuing control of those same authorities .
6 Tranmere just creaked and groaned under the pressure .
7 He would just came and went into the yardmaster 's office and had a word or two with him and then he would maybe ask to see the staff local representative and the local committee .
8 Elsewhere you will hear a Black Eyes Etude ( Op. 10 No. 5 ) wickedly tinted and inflected despite the most vertiginous brilliance and rapidly of reflex , and an Aeolian Harp ( Op. 25 No. 1 ) where the melody glides across a harmonic haze as if on air cushions .
9 They reached the outer air a moment before the octagonal arch finally broke and smashed into the flags .
10 Do you know , the girl just smiled and played with the ring on her finger .
11 I thought that maybe Elsie went under finally sickened and stifled by the righteous attitudes that prevailed at the time .
12 National carriers like Pickfords , with their own warehouses and regular clientele , soon emerged and contributed to an aggregate load which was prodigious , though unmeasurable .
13 Boxer alternately whistled and sang above the noise of the cart , familiar songs and ballads the words of which Denis allowed his mind to echo in a silent duet .
14 The queue on Sat am was outrageous , and I was told that the end of it would n't get Oxford tickets , so I just left and hoped for the best with the fax request .
15 I just stood and stared for a few moments amid all the activity that was going on around the wounded Lovat .
16 Ellen , usually so quick with a scornful reply , just stood and stared at the elegant stranger who stopped one pace away from her , took her hand , then bowed above her fingers .
17 It 's a word we use to talk about masses of undifferentiated humanity — like buying a pound of whitebait for your supper , rather than , say , 341 little silver fishes that once frisked and swam in the dappled shallows of the ocean .
18 It 's a word we use to talk about masses of undifferentiated humanity — like buying a pound of whitebait for your supper , rather than , say , 341 little silver fishes that once frisked and swam in the dappled depths of the ocean .
19 The wind and the rain and the snow still howled and blasted through the ragged aperture where the window had blown out , but the electricity and lightning seemed to have gone .
20 Winds of a hundred miles an hour or more roared and whistled round the isolated house on the cliffs , tearing at window catches , rattling doors .
21 ( The Beans always came and went through the kitchen . )
22 I still re-read and enjoy Beyond a Boundary , finding something new , often appreciating a passage that had passed my by earlier .
23 As she turned into the lane leading to the village , she gradually slowed and came to a halt as she saw Leo descend from the local bus .
24 I arrived in the vastness of a new country as what I thought a tabula rasa but there was writing underneath , the coded determinants of what I was and always would be inscribed in ( what shall we say ? ) acetic acid or lemon juice which gradually browned and showed in the revealing action of sunlight .
25 At the age of 30 , she still looked and behaved like a teenager .
26 He had completed another revolution of the prescribed path , and the man still stood and stared at the fences , and his shoulders were not hunched as if the cold no longer concerned him .
27 A type 2 statistical error is possible in a clinical study of 17 patients , but our observations were very precise and carefully validated and agree with the results of a recent much larger study from Australia .
28 ( Opposite below ) The first of the Class 47s — or Brush Type 4s as they were known when D1500 appeared in 1962 — still hard at work rom Gateshead depot in 1987. here No 47401 , as it is now numbered and carrying the name North Eastern which it both received and lost during the 1980s , nears Greenfield on a Trans-Pennine service , the 17.03 Liverpool to Newcastle on 19 June 1987 .
29 These she later filled in on an assessment form , She also contacted and talked to the client 's nearest relatives or other informal carers .
30 They grew up loved and cherished in a large family with three older sisters .
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