Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [conj] [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He only noticed when he arrived home near Milan from their hols .
2 Which in itself was no lie , but it just so happened that she 'd never been allowed to join the other children in such frivolous pastimes , she reflected with a touch of resentment .
3 And let me assist such reflections by reporting that a gifted and earnest English poet of thirty-two , whom I met this very summer , not only confessed that he had never read through Basil Bunting 's Briggflatts , but quite plainly saw no reason why he ever should .
4 The telephone suddenly rang and she started nervously before hurrying to answer it .
5 Of course this sally , and the discovery of our locational ancestry opened the way to friendship , though we soon realised that we had much more in common , not least a sharp sense of humour , which we were both going to need .
6 I remembered how once , when a tunnel had been successfully completed contrary to expectation , he had jockeyed himself into a position on the team which finally escaped although he had never done any of the work .
7 All the happenings of the night had mixed together so that he no longer knew whether he had really been woken and heard the Woman 's hushed , hissing voice and the faint News from the radio .
8 The 24-year-old replaces injured skipper Richard Gough in Scotland 's World Cup test against the lira-laden Italians at Ibrox Park tonight convinced that he has already met the equal of their talented attackers .
9 You just said that she has though .
10 I just wondered whether we 've actually met the requirements of the , of the act .
11 I 'm Marty Hunter — ( Marty thought Graham ) — and I just wondered If you 'd ever thought of doing any mob "
12 The autumn statement yesterday demonstrated that we have substantially increased in real terms — after inflation — the spending in each of the three areas that my hon. Friend mentioned .
13 As for the matter of the diversion of funds , he still believed that there had never been such a thing .
14 Critical examination by the most reliable of tests and measurements , usually showed that they had little if any action greater than that of placebos , or that their effects on performance were deleterious rather than beneficial .
15 Although at this stage of my work I shared interests with him on matters concerning children 's learning and Art Education , I quickly discovered that I had so much more to learn from him about ideas , materials and their uses and in the need to create a working environment of a high order .
16 Louisa hardly knew whether she felt more relieved or cheated , for the act of summoning all the courage and then being able to employ it only against her own anxiety had depleted her to no useful purpose .
17 The one-to-one teaching usually meant that they learned more and did better than they would have in the classroom .
18 As one of them said on being asked if she ever felt that she spent too much time on her own in the daytime :
19 They still said that he talked much too big , but they did stop treating him as a scruffy nonentity .
20 I though Tyler was the best writer NME ever had and I 've since found out that him and Ian McDonald were the ones that gave the NME its style in the first place .
21 Mr Major then angrily turned on Labour leader John Smith : ‘ There was a time when the leader of the Opposition once said that he had always believed that Britain 's future lay in Europe , and we must take a confident and leading role in the Community .
22 It was the colour of a skirt I once had that he had specially liked .
23 I once calculated that I did about a thousand hours ' work in the three years I was there , an average of an hour a day .
24 It also claimed that he had nearly 20 meetings with North between 1985 and 1987 .
25 Mr Blair also confirmed that he had recently spoken informally to Sinn Fein members in the City Hall about his plans to visit community centres in nationalist areas .
26 It also meant that I became much more familiar with the area I lived in and the people around . ’
27 Danby later insisted that he had never intended things to go " so far as to settle the Crown on the Prince of Orange " .
28 Instead , having been assured that Rick no longer had any violent feelings towards her , she earnestly pleaded that she had long been awaiting an opportunity to return it in person and apologise for causing so much distress .
29 Almost three in four stated that for work purposes they bought good quality clothing to last , but almost half also said that they had completely ruined an item of clothing during working hours .
30 He also said that he had never talked in terms of prospective violence nor had he suggested that ‘ any of these people ’ were in any way inferior to anybody else .
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