Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [conj] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The initial stage in any carpet making is the treatment of the pile fibre : first it is blended , washed , dyed , then blended again to combine colours , and finally carded and spun into single yarns .
2 Iliescu also announced that work on unfinished grandiose construction and infrastructural projects had been halted pending an investigation of their economic worth .
3 In tank conditions the leaves are round , heart-shaped at the base , purplish green or mauve , translucent , slightly crinkled and borne on slender , long , leaf stalks , Bushy leaves are formed at the base of the plant , which also puts forth aerial leaves which float on the water .
4 He also maintained that increases in public expenditure would lead to increased taxation and higher unemployment .
5 Anne saw that he often walked and talked with other girls .
6 The children viewed him with wary respect , since , in spite of his air of benignity , he frequently exploded when faced with old chewing-gum stuck under the pews , the choir guardedly shooting craps during the sermon , and similar juvenile straying from the path of righteousness .
7 She poured us both a generous tot , and drank hers rather faster than liqueurs are normally drunk , then gasped and blinked as sudden tears started to her eyes .
8 They have also , it must be admitted , sometimes floundered and fumbled like ten-thumbed , hammer-footed , constipated , sexless oafs .
9 Although completely redesigned and put into trans-Soviet service in 1977 , it was withdrawn in 1978 and has hardly been seen since .
10 Goblins can acquire a great variety of weaponry as they travel about , either looted or traded with other Orcs and Goblins .
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