Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [pron] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Turning for the door , Mungo suddenly found himself in the overwhelming dark .
2 We suddenly found ourselves in the Turkish baths with a dozen nude men .
3 Ribble 's failure to provide the service paid for will have caused inconvenience , and distress to elderly residents of Scorton and perhaps involved them in the extra cost of missed appointments or expensive taxi fares .
4 Innocent of intrigue , Meredith suddenly discovered it in the dark depths of Lucenzo Salviati 's eyes .
5 ‘ The sessions not only pointed me in the right direction for obtaining information , they taught me a lot about the sort of questions I should be asking . ’
6 ‘ And I just found myself in the right place at the right time ! ’
7 After a hesitant start , the other leftwing and progressive parties who were defeated in the first round have joined Mr Da Silva 's campaign , along with the Socialist and Communist parties , which already supported him in the Popular Front coalition .
8 There was no yardage chart in those days , but I worked out very quickly that Arnold was two clubs stronger than me , so I just put myself in the same situation and added on two clubs .
9 ‘ Villa totally outclassed us in the first half and we were extremely lucky only to be a goal down .
10 I could get tired of even roulette if I always played it in the same place . ’
11 He also established himself in the Russian trade , which during the French wars offered exceptional opportunities for profit .
12 United deserved the win , but they nearly lost it in the closing minutes .
13 He often visited her in the early months , talking as if the passive figure in the background was n't there .
14 Thin and tiny in stature , her back was as straight as an arrow , but her legs often pained her in the cooler winter and spring weather .
15 Dignam used to joke about how his priestly teacher , a devotee of the classical drama , invariably cast him in the leading roles of Shakespeare 's heroines , Portia , Juliet , and Ophelia among them .
16 Simultaneously he increasingly involved himself in the literary life of London , a change in the balance of his career which began when he made the acquaintance of the poet , Alfred ( later first Baron ) Tennyson [ q.v. ] , who in 1867 commissioned Knowles to design his house in Aldworth , Sussex .
17 ‘ I 'm very lucky because I 'm sure there are loads of managers who get fed up with their artists music or maybe never even liked it in the first place !
18 Bradl has a 150-strong fan club , who most importantly supported him in the early stages of his career .
19 She-She then parked me in the aromatic cubicle .
20 She resisted for no more than a second , then joined him in the secret dark underneath .
21 Fortunately , the German spirit that found expression in the Reformation , and with it gave rise to the first German music , has never yet fully lost itself in the dominant Alexandrianism .
22 On Junction Buttress , Malc Taylor put All my Pegs in one Basket and then left them in the obvious overhanging crack , which is now E7 6c .
23 I rolled the two pellets of wax between the forefingers and thumbs of each hand and then replaced them in the opposite ears , the whole time humming and appreciating the bitable texture of the linoleum beneath my soles .
24 Feargal bought her ticket , made sure she understood the map of which part of the mountain was hers to search , and then pointed her in the right direction .
25 I never used it in the like people put it in the till .
26 I frequently give into their hands my best guns and never found them in the slightest degree disposed to take advantage .
27 We went into the living-room and seized the brass clock which has always adorned the shelf above our fireplace ( oh , what strong hands he has ) , and violently enclosed it in the festive wrapping paper he found in the trash .
28 Listen , if you go off and become a goatherd you never loved her in the first place .
29 A key concern that runs through all these debates and to some extent actually inspired them in the first place is whether one can draw clear boundaries between the social classes .
30 He certainly had it in the early days of Carry On Sergeant .
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