Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [pron] because [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Mind you , I only got it because he died intestate and me mother does n't care .
2 We only caught her because she 'd forgotten to take off one of the tags . ’
3 I only mentioned it because I want you to know that I realise the problems we 're facing — and that I 've got plans to put us back on our feet .
4 Said he only saw me because he knew I would bring a present . ’
5 You know Charles only married me because he wanted a dizzy blonde to boost his ego ! ’
6 That they were going and that nearly killed me , that nearly killed me because I knew then this was serious .
7 Well I slightly lost myself because I went down the M eleven
8 I mean , I probably dreamt it because I 'd been hearing all their dreams and thinking about them .
9 ‘ You 're not going to give me his name , either , no doubt , because he told you something he should n't have done and he probably did it because you paid him for it . ’
10 Thoroughly annoyed me because I 'd er every year when I 'd paid my tax I 'd pay my er national insurance and as far I 'm concerned that should 've entitled me .
11 I mean and when I was a spooler I , I really enjoyed it because I had job satisfaction at the spooling ,
12 When I was in Rapeman , I ca n't say it really surprised me because I had been exposed to English people before , but I did n't think that people were being serious initially .
13 Or the nineteen thirties book is like one of the things that really inspired me because it showed me that you can do type that looks as though , I mean it can be composed as though in metal and not be boring — can not be , manufactured , you know hum drum , by varying the weights and by massing it , and also one of the things they do , that you see in those books that you did n't see in printing , was this size of type .
14 She had started the lessons because her mother had insisted and she now continued them because she loved being with Miss Hatherby .
15 They were not well off and they did n't welcome us because we had brought gifts they simply welcomed us because we had had the interest to go and see them and talk to them .
16 Henry hummed the piano part without thinking and then stopped himself because he had meant to argue .
17 Fourth , I slept with Tara once , years ago , then finished it because I dislike sex without commitment .
18 I never mentioned it because I thought perhaps Faye did n't like flowers in the house .
19 It 's for calling a servant , but Julia and I never used it because we did n't have any servants .
20 He said many people who were given council houses subsequently lost them because they did not know how to pay the rent and cope with bills .
21 So she did n't expe , you know the ma , matrix system of levels and stuff I did n't fully understand that until the fourth year when I went with Miss cos she never explained it because she did n't reckon you needed to know .
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