Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [prep] [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I only wanted to be kind to the Dust Baby .
2 He no longer asked to be relieved of his archbishopric .
3 Most of the friends were too old or too physically enfeebled to be capable of offering themselves for military glory .
4 He 'd read the script and already seemed to be familiar with Joyce 's published material .
5 Why was it that everyone she 'd met lately seemed to be obsessed with star signs ?
6 This continent seems to have been created by Augustus Le Plongeon for his 1896 novel Queen Moo and the Egyptian Sphynx , which he claimed was based on original Mayan writings — which writings , of course , just happened to be unavailable to other scholars .
7 One just had to be manly about it .
8 She just wanted to be free of the burden of her own special powers .
9 This was the very widespread feeling ( at least in Parliament : public opinion normally tended to be suspicious of ministerial projects ) that the king and his ministers had a right to the support of all loyal and patriotic subjects .
10 . We always seemed to be lucky in that way . ’
11 The coffee in France always seemed to be superior to the coffee in England , and he had made it just right .
12 Everything always seemed to be crap for actors and you just had to put up with it — while the present corruption continued .
13 The studios and corridors at Cardiff always seemed to be full of pretty girls .
14 Most of the enemy still seemed to be asleep as the avalanche of horses and riders bore down upon them in pounding fury .
15 But she was a kind-hearted girl and , besides , it always paid to be attentive to patients in the private wing .
16 I always erred on being over-cautious at the last , but never faulted there so obviously my caution paid off !
17 Yesterday proved to be significant for the stand-off for he also announced his engagement to Lucy Fleming , a 25-year-old art teacher from Uplawmoor , near Glasgow .
18 On the resumption Kilkeel were awarded three consecutive penalty corners but they were unable to add to their slender advantage , and the direct long ball tactic from Service meant that Kilkeel always had to be alert to the breakaway .
19 He took in that fact for the first time ; in spite of his knowing job , he had a clownish naîveté about fate and always tended to be innocent of the possibility of calamity .
20 I also needed to be knowledgeable about the procedures , likely outcomes and prognosis so that I could give full and accurate explanations to Mrs Allen .
21 They also appeared to be suspicious of television , as if wary of what I might ask them .
22 He repeatedly complained of being old beyond his years , and yet behind his words one senses at times an element of satisfaction .
23 He also liked to be popular with his officers .
24 He also wished to be satisfied on certain counts as to the suitability of the candidates .
25 The caddie also had to be fastidious with his player 's equipment , providing clean clubs and balls .
26 Of course , he also had to be ready with a word or two of encouragement now and then as well .
27 Like the populists , the pious Protestants were profoundly opposed to Irish nationalism and republicanism and hence tended to be aggressive in defence of the Union with Britain .
28 And he frankly admitted to being obsessed with her sex — some of the talk she 'd heard was of cradle-snatching ; some of death-bed fucks — he played no favourites .
29 It is evident that in many of our residential areas no such balance any longer exists , for the street has been given over entirely to the car , with other functions now expected to be subordinate to it .
30 Folly was still confused , but at least there now seemed to be light at the end of the tunnel .
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