Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [verb] back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She just wanted to sink back into the dream and give in to the lovely floating sensation .
2 Terry did n't want any truck with service medicos , he just wanted to get back to the States and see Madeleine , Sulome and Gabrielle .
3 And , as one later moved into other divisions to be taught by other people one always seemed to come back to the Roman Conquest of Britain , which I found particularly boring , and learnt nothing .
4 She turned round and quickly began to walk back towards the door .
5 I mean effectively , I always wanted to go back to the middle ages er , with , with the history books of English society .
6 He even tried sneaking back to the library at night , thinking the Bookman might appear after dark , but had to stop this when he backed into Mr Crangle , who was up to the same thing .
7 When Stephen 's mother was told of their intended trip , she immediately offered to move back to the Manor , to oversee the children .
8 For years she 'd sympathised hugely with those performers who 'd become stricken with nerves just before going on stage — she even knew one world-famous name who regularly had to rush back to the dressing-room from the wings to be ill .
9 I expect had enough sitting around wanted to get back to the bit like mews
10 We then had to get back to the car , and after a detour that took in just about all of the countryside , we arrive back at the airport for the flight home .
11 And we never did go back on the payroll after that .
12 Anyway , we met up , and we never did get back for the last act .
13 She felt as if she never wanted to go back into the house , as if it had tied her with a million cobweb fine lines , as the Lilliputians had trapped Gulliver , and that she could not get free .
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