Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] it 's [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 've been using RapidCad for a month or so and It 's not given me the slightest problem .
2 Some of the barriers I 've built up are going to be chipped away and it 's only going to take one incident and I 'm going to be stuffed .
3 Why not have the light within you so you do n't have to go and get it outside but it 's there dwelling within you , day by day , moment by moment ?
4 ‘ In fact , it 's been one of the most exciting things that I 've worked on and it 's certainly changed my career . ’
5 If the weather 's all right and it 's not raining or nothing , I usually go to the garden to help Mr Frost .
6 With an elephant you can kick it till the cows come home but it 's not going to worry about it .
7 I du n no quite how erm er much er of other people 's conversation it 's picking up but it 's probably picking me up er
8 So , the fact that who works in the green grocers is just a bit of additional information , it 's not necessary for the the main part of the sentence , you can take it out and it 's not going to take , make any difference to the construction or the meaning of the sentence , it 's a bit of additional information .
9 But , if I go back and it 's not cleared up it might ruddy come back again !
10 Bill the and John started holding hands about a year ago and it 's already resulted in their engagement and it 's clear that they 're planning their big day for the summer of next year !
11 I 'm looking forward to tomorrow but it 's not won yet .
12 Please Now I 've got erm a bottle which is actually contains some chlorine here but it 's not called chlorine liquid .
13 All in all , it 's young , it 's fun , it 's what life is all about and it 's fast becoming one of the top resorts in this part of the world .
14 I can remember that so vividly and it 's still going today so that 's saying something for British Steel erm it was local , you know the erm the one at er
15 It 's actually and it 's actually sewn in into the louvre as opposed to the er the larger weights .
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