Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [noun prp] 's [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The voting forms are flooding in and ClubCall 's telephone vote line is red hot — and already two men are setting a blistering pace in the race for our Star of Sport title .
2 Unfortunately , the pace of adjustment in trade imbalances slowed in the second half of last year as the impact of the dollar 's depreciation started to taper off and Japan 's capital-goods exporters got into top gear .
3 Gable refused to work further and Metro 's boy-wonder Irving Thalberg had to fly out to the location at Catalina to calm Gable down and persuade him to continue filming .
4 Trevor Simpson came in later and Lyn 's uncle Bob as well as the rest of them .
5 Three no trumps then gets passed out and West 's opening lead is the ten of hearts .
6 Golf now and Scotland 's Colin Montgomerie has qualified for tomorrow 's second round of the Toyota World Matchplay after beating Japan 's Yoshinori Mizumaki at the thirty seventh hole .
7 Evidently , the stock market believes that matters will not rest there and Pearl 's share price raced up 87p to 639p .
8 After leaving Paris where he had attended the CSCE conference on Nov. 19-21 [ see pp. 37838-39 ] , Bush had himself visited the Middle East from Nov. 21 , spending the following day ( the US Thanksgiving Day ) with US troops in Saudi Arabia , meeting King Fahd there and Egypt 's President Mubarak in Cairo , and returning via Geneva where he had a meeting on Nov. 23 with President Assad of Syria .
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