Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [pers pn] 're not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Now I suppose this is just appealing to my sense of power or something , being able to walk in and take charge and in a minute or two they 've settled down and they 're not panicking because you 've arrived and all their burdens are on your shoulders and they do n't have to worry any more because the doctor 's there … this I find profoundly satisfying as long as I can , in fact , cope with what 's happening .
2 It 's it just means we go like we got mixed up with our zero and we should have started lower down but we 're not going to change it now .
3 It 's the only dignified way of telling them that you 're not going to be made a fool of any longer and you 're not going to be dragged down to their level . ’
4 ‘ There 's something strange going on and we 're not getting any nearer , and look , there 's some fog detectors clamped on the rail . ’
5 I can bring along the statements of these people who 've said all sorts of things , you can you know put down at once but they 're not put down .
6 ‘ You 're not getting up and you 're not going out . ’
7 " They told me " we 've never let a woman on before and we 're not going to now " and they did n't . "
8 And they 've got all the places say do n't lean your bicycle here and you 're not allowed to take it into Jackson
9 if she do n't , I said well that 's true I said you ca n't and we 're not gon na neglect , which they do n't .
10 Ah and then and you 're not getting any side effects from Erithramita
11 S maybe if I says to him away you go to your granny 's and then and you 're not taking anything with you .
12 Oh no we 'll have er the videos that we 're gon na watch you know I 've got twenty odd videos there and we 're not using any of them , apart from what 's on the top , we 're gradually filling these up
13 You 've got a pensioner employee er a pensioner trustee on there and they 're not looking over their shoulder for their job , they are going to do the job of a trustee and watch the funds , and they would then be able to go to the regulator if they saw something that was amiss .
14 be seen to at the eye hospital , Sir John said in January I 'll send you to Altrincham because they have a specialist , go to the , like they have one go to the Cottage , each , a different like a skin one day , summat , so like you 're there and you 're not traipsing for the eye hospital
15 But the plan , the ownership of the plan print room , and the way that the plans are not stored safely and they 're not treated like proper documents , just amazes me when you compare it with some of the plan rooms in , in
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