Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [pron] [vb past] it [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 The taxi was clattering away and I thought it would fall apart at any moment .
2 I do n't know how long it 's going to go on for , or what it is exactly but I thought it would be a good idea to ring your dad up and see .
3 I suggested putting an old lady sitting on a bench with a lace shawl erm er sculpture of so that it represents er Nottingham lace and etcetera and I said it would look more attractive and catch people 's eye than what 's there at the present .
4 ‘ I had to come sooner or later and I thought it 'd be easier with someone else here . ’
5 ‘ Well , I have three children of my own now and I thought it would be nice to surprise them with the sugar mice on the tree , and also the chocolate cat . ’
6 yes , because my er , my niece 's husband when he came er , oh they brought us back , they fetched us Boxing Day and brought us back and he said it would be a right off he said
7 But went to the dentist and he said leave it pushed it right back and he said it will grow back .
8 It was a painful decision to leave it behind but they thought it would be safest in one of the tin trunks in the box-room at The Tamarisks .
9 Dr Teller did n't claim there was much sign of that happening now but he thought it could , an act of faith pretty much , one thought , unsupported by history .
10 we 've had it , went , he went back to the doctors today and she said it could take up to six to eight weeks to get out your system .
11 So I said no I said , well I 've put the phone number as well and I said it might as well , stuff might as well come straight here .
12 I did n't think they could be like REM in seven album 's time , but there was a lot depth in there and I knew it would n't dry up after one or two albums , ’ he recalls .
13 The two girls had stayed there and he knew it would hold nothing of interest for him .
14 No , does n't fit on it 's stopped recording change the change the tape so a su but going back to that she was so convinced that it was gon na be a heck of a job that she would save us time by taking all the clothes out putting them somewhere else and I said it 'll take us three minutes
15 He was working until the evening of the following day , but he asked to take me out again and I said it would be delightful .
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