Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [pron] [adv] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I must admit I , I really do n't agree with that , I mean I find that many women who have had erm children actually their figure has improved after the children , they look a great deal better and I certainly do n't think that many women in Scotland looked vast after they 've had children , I totally disagree with that .
2 Yes , is n't , those are for my mother 's day bouquets and I just stick them in and they just come out in the vase .
3 Well then if , if someone was breaking in and they probably do n't go through doors , burglars , I 've never really studied it but
4 What I 'll do is I 'll read you the first paragraph of rule six and actually bend the rule and put those words in and it really does n't make any sense at all , so listen carefully on this one and do n't be surprised if you do n't understand me .
5 A new craze had swept in and he just had n't seen it coming .
6 I really I was seeing her , because I was n't happy about the publicity , the way it had described audio description I did n't think it was good and Alex was unhappy about the way they were describing some language things , which cos they 're not doing erm , and we just went in and he just said right just , erm well I 've kept you some seats for a performance on the sixteenth of September , this was about the
7 so and you just end up with a list of names or something like that
8 Erm , she 's in at ten o'clock and she just does not stop until four o'clock .
9 ‘ But not for long and I never came over to the Yamacraw .
10 I got to the printers with my Boy George piece and it was finally time to say , ‘ Look , this is only a thousand words long and I still have n't got to the interview .
11 Better , just , you just , in sa well I do n't mean better but it just makes just the difference now so what can I say ? .
12 She was aware that she was making it up as she went along but she certainly did n't want to repeat what Richie had actually said .
13 Apparently the Chinese are used to living with little heating indoors & we now understand why they wrap themselves up so well , with padded trousers and jackets , as well as caps or enormous fur hats , which they keep on even indoors during the classes .
14 Normally when you start water-skiing , you are lying in the water with your skis up in the air and the boat goes slowly away and you slowly come up , but this was like being catapulted into the water .
15 If you also take that away and you also take away land which is already covered by settlement , I would suggest that you 're left with very little and so what 's the strategic gap ?
16 Just just just and it just do n't bring it over here back here .
17 It just and it just switches off you know ,
18 The individual who 's gon na be assertive is likely to be open and honest or likely to admit things that are not so good at honest those , but they 're not gon na necessarily apologise for those , they 're gon na treat those as statements of fact and they 're certainly gon na try and involve other people and actually say what do you think this , what are some ways forward er but it does n't mean that they 're gon na be walked all over and they still stand up for the things that they firmly believe in .
19 You do n't know what 's gone on and what still goes on between G.P. and me , she seemed to say .
20 are going on and I just did n't feel that we could erm support one .
21 I wondered what the hell was going on and I suddenly felt absolutely terrified .
22 Nothing went right and I nearly gave up .
23 But none of the larger firms has done so yet , so the obvious conclusion to be drawn is that either they prefer to live dangerously or they still do n't believe that anyone would actually go after them for their personal assets .
24 Did she bury the Bonio yesterday or she actually end up crunching it ?
25 Links between the two companies have grown quickly and they recently exhibited together at Houston 's Offshore Technology Conference .
26 The light was changing very rapidly and I simply ran out of time .
27 I do n't like these things that you do n't seem to get rid off and they just come back when you least want them .
28 Rubberneck could only compare it with a wedding , the crush , as a fight , when the cars drove off and they always threw out coins .
29 I have n't really had a vacation , this is the first time I 've taken some time off and I barely got here ; just because of the pace of the world , especially last year .
30 The fourteen Area Boards themselves had to devolve some functions further and they initially set up about 500 local districts ( slightly fewer than the number of pre-nationalisation undertakings ) .
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