Example sentences of "[adv] [noun pl] [prep] [pron] [pers pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 These were not gods with whom you could speak .
2 The truth , more probably , is that he laid them aside to take on commissions for which he would be paid : at this stage in his life he could not afford to compose for sheer pleasure . )
3 The Brighton Constabulary , whose marksmen had taken up positions from which they could command the Grand Hotel , was stood down after half an hour .
4 In view of the widespread and sometimes ill-founded criticism of the recent franchise round and despite the uniform excellence of the successful tenders , will my right hon. Friend nevertheless consider the possibility of providing a review system so as either to show up ways in which it could be improved in future or to demonstrate that an extremely good job has been done by the Independent Television Commission ?
5 Within Christianity , people have sought out symbols through which they could formulate their faith , such as the doctrine of the trinity .
6 A scientific law or theory should ideally give us some information about how the world does in fact behave , thereby ruling out ways in which it could ( logically ) possibly behave but in fact does not .
7 Sadistic people derive perverse pleasure from the suffering of others and may seek out situations in which they can inflict this .
8 So it 's not , it 's not a question of any one government , or the voluntary organisations or the companies putting pressure , it 's a question of all of them working out mechanisms by which they can persuade more and more people to join this particular movement .
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