Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] for an [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As a ship 's food potatoes , with their high vitamin C content , were inadvertently responsible for an appreciable reduction in the incidence of that dreaded seaman 's disease scurvy .
2 The variability in the distribution of intron types and numbers is highly suggestive for an unorthodox way of their propagation .
3 Lord Ackner felt that the route did not cease to be available simply because it was not possible for an unaccompanied child to walk it without danger .
4 Each unit represents a wide range of investments , spreading the risk to an extent that 's normally not possible for an individual investor .
5 And see whether or not there is basis for an agreement on that because if it is possible to get an agreement on that it is infinitely easier to persuade the government that regulations have to be written which cover all of these issues and cover all of the sectors and that therefore makes it easier to create a situation in which it is not possible for an independent company that wish to ignore the good practice guidelines to simply go ahead and do so .
6 Bearing in mind the figures and the fact that French farmers regularly burn lorry loads of English lamb and Italian grapes with complete impunity and that it is not possible for an English lorry firm to go to Germany and to load up with goods to bring back to the United Kingdom , should not the European Community try to walk before it tries to run ?
7 It was not unknown for an unexploded portion of an old charge to remain dormant but active for years under such conditions .
8 Even a dustbin on a gas ring or glass fibre bottle skips , unheated , may be employed and it is not unknown for an old enamel bathtub to be pressed into service .
9 Not bad for an old timer !
10 Even when made up with the finest cosmetics money could buy it would never be beautiful , but still … not bad for an ugly duckling , Sally thought , smiling wryly .
11 It is most unusual for an open show to accommodate site-specific works .
12 But in no part of Europe was it wholly exceptional for an eleventh-century bishop to have children .
13 At the Court of Wards the Tooke family were making the office of auditor hereditary in the last years of Elizabeth , but it was still possible for an active reformer like John Hare to be appointed Clerk ; inexperienced men began to be appointed to offices in this court under James .
14 The application does nothing to retain the existing trees on the site , it was a , it is , a mature garden with some mature trees , and all those trees are to be removed , it certainly does n't do anything to retain the rural character of the na of the village , and certainly does n't enhance the character of the adjoining small er rural cottages , i in fact it would be , it could be argued that it damages the rural environment , because the development is such that it is more suited for an urban development , almost a city centre , because the comment has been made that there is only about a metre between the dwellings and indeed there is only a metre between the dwellings and the adjoining boundaries , surely there is a need for screening , it is in a in a very very prominent position , it can be seen clearly as you enter the village from the Farnsfield area , the present proposal does n't provide sufficient room for screening , and and like the screen which is adjacent to this building , which are set well back from the road , and provide an opportunity for screening the single access to the site and the fact that the frontage to these two properties is completely taken up with garaging and with vehicle access does n't even provide an opportunity to screen .
15 The upper edge of the shoulder pocket overhung the lower edge , more appropriate for an upright stance .
16 Totally unprepared for an unexpected 5g demonstration loop , I realised I had been caught napping , and glanced at the g-meter in time for it to disappear as my sight blacked out .
17 These humans are usually good for an appetising tit-bit !
18 She is cruelly twisted with arthritis but her spirit is livelier than a young lass 's , more concerned for an old friend in Lamlash who has the same complaint — that dread West Coast damp — and is quite unable to move .
19 With two games in hand over all of the teams above them they are still well-placed for an automatic promotion spot .
20 It 's also dangerous for an old person to stay long out-of-doors in very cold conditions — for instance , waiting by a bus stop .
21 Echo sounding is also responsible for an erroneous impression given on chart traces , suggesting that the loch walls continue down for 1000 m or so beneath a filling of loose sediment .
22 Two recent reports from UBS Phillips & Drew and Midland Montagu both plump for an early election , largely on economic grounds .
23 After an efficient counter-attack , which may have been instigated as a ruse , the attacker can move in on another area of his target , one that may be wide open for an effective technique .
24 Calcium , which is found in cheese and milk , is also vital for an elderly person , for a lack of it can cause bone troubles and a type of ‘ old age rickets ’ , and this can be one of the causes of severe backache in later life .
25 Plans are now afoot for an important exhibition of Canaletto in England and another devoted to the more unexpected theme of dogs in art , enterprisingly planned to coincide with Crufts ' arrival at the NEC early next year .
26 Members of staff are often available for an informal chat , and this can be a golden opportunity to absorb the general atmosphere and the attitudes of prospective colleagues .
27 Three women are now ready for an informal support group to share their experiences of the child protection system .
28 But is it really ready for an all-out assault of US cultural imperialism which will , as sure as Stalin followed Lenin , lead to more phoney romanticised visions of America 's mythical past and an enormous Eastern European identity crisis ?
29 The excellent Mell'O ’ , ably assisted by co-rappers Sparkie & Flint and DJ Pogo , bravely plump for an all-new set that indicates a stunning new LP in the pipeline .
30 The further you go into this subculture , the more you begin to realise that Bud Hopkins is in fact quite restrained for an American ufologist .
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