Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] it [vb mod] [be] for " in BNC.

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1 It was only after I had mentioned Miss Kenton that I suddenly realized how entirely inappropriate it would be for me to continue .
2 The more this principle is understood and the more firmly it is adhered to , whether in practical or in theoretical subjects , the more difficult it will be for a school to organize its teaching .
3 " It 's just that it 's all very well to talk about his responsibility and all that — nobody thinks how awful it would be for me to go crawling to him wailing , I 'm in tro-uble ?
4 If this was jewellery , she could not possibly accept it , no matter how appropriate it might be for the gown she was wearing .
5 How sad it would be for us to lose you to the sea , Señor Capitano . ’
6 Maman 's perception had probably told how impossible it would be for him to part with any of her things in his lifetime .
7 I have kept my half of the bargain , though I never guessed how costly it would be for me .
8 How terrible it must be for her to attend this service for Mrs Wright whose baby had survived and while the Padre was speaking the Collector accompanied his words with a silent , sympathetic prayer for Mrs Bennett : " O God , whose ways are hidden and thy works most wonderful , who makest nothing in vain , and lovest all that thou hast made , Comfort this thy servant whose heart is sore smitten and oppressed … " but the rest of the prayer was no longer in his mind , stolen no doubt by the foxes of despair that continued to raid his beliefs … in any case , it faded into a mournful reverie in which he sought an explanation for the death of Mrs Bennett 's child .
9 His words were enough to throw Lucy into a state of thoughtfulness , forcing her to become aware of how impossible it would be to drag this man within yards of his stepmother — and how futile it would be for herself to harbour any emotional feelings towards him .
10 Just how tough it could be for the independent producer is evident from the history of Minerva Films .
11 I insisted that the Unit must be responsible for its own training and operational planning and that , therefore , the Commander of the Unit must come directly under the C in C. I emphasised how fatal it would be for the proposed unit to be put under any existing branch or formation for administration .
12 It is important to remember that there are risks attached to being kind to people in this state , and important also not to underestimate how difficult it may be for such people to reach out on their own .
13 Estimate how difficult it would be for a compiler to generate efficient code for these three architectures .
14 But it was also another uncomfortable reminder of how difficult it will be for Tottenham to replace him .
15 We 're all sorry for Joanna and we appreciate how difficult it will be for you . ’
16 I mean anyone who comes into contact with foreigners , and them trying to grasp our language , knows you know has an insight into how difficult into how difficult it can be for some some people .
17 We will also be showing why continued research should be permitted , and how disastrous it would be for all women if the policy advocated by the Pro-Life lobby were to be adopted .
18 The emotional response shows how upsetting it must be for some , but private nursing homes provide good quality care , better than we can provide and cheaper than we can provide .
19 This Meeting know they have no title to impose a Tax upon the Community at large towards this purpose , but they feel it an indispensible duty to express how desirable it would be for the use and service of the inhabitabts of Islay .
20 He 'd had Ribena with ice in it himself , and he could remember now , quite distinctly , thinking how horrible it must be for Kate , not to have a father , nor ever to have an occasion like this .
21 ‘ She sat there wearing her cat-at-the-cream expression and saying how lovely it would be for all three of us to be together again ! ’
22 They build up in your tank , unless replaced by regular water changes , and while fish seem able to stand a steady build -up , however unpleasant it may be for them , new fish will die when introduced to higher levels .
23 It is there , and it will not go away , however hard the authors of the Gospels have tried to disguise it — and however embarrassing it may be for later Christian tradition .
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