Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] to [be] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 Its activity depended on its being sufficiently similar to be taken up by the chemical processes of the virus but sufficiently different to be useless to the virus and to jam its works .
2 The elephant and tapir of Sumatra and Borneo , the rhinoceros of Sumatra and the allied species of Java , the wild cattle of Borneo of the kind long supposed to be peculiar to Java , are now all known to inhabit some part or other of Southern Asia .
3 I should be so lucky to be able to .
4 These firms will offer personal services : services that are less likely to be subject to automation .
5 With the others not around , she will be less likely to be assertive to strange dogs .
6 A hostile article is even less likely to be satisfactory to a reader .
7 There is no problem here if the information is very specialised and only likely to be useful to a few outlets .
8 Raphael also suggests that bereaved parents who felt particularly unsupported themselves , lacking contact with the grandparents , for instance , were especially likely to be oblivious to , or deny , their children 's needs at this time .
9 A happy thought is that a gain of 2–3 lb ( 1 kg ) in a day is extremely unlikely to be due to fat alone .
10 They will be less inclined to be loyal to Delhi .
11 But , however much care is taken , there are situations where it proves extremely difficult to be fair to both natural parents and prospective adoptive parents and this will always be a sensitive and emotional aspect of child care work .
12 That 's why it 'd be so nice to be able to w save the work area so when
13 It was merely a passage ( sufficiently relevant to be acceptable to the judge as a subject of cross-examination ) that could be used to raise doubts in the minds of those in Court as to your ability to pronounce on the matter under trial .
14 These ‘ friendships ’ , however , tended to involve a third party , for as Bair stresses , it was not possible to be close to de Beauvoir without becoming involved with Sartre as well .
15 The owner said it 's not right to be mean to working class people .
16 Felicitys were not supposed to be irresistible to men .
17 Earlier we noted that , in the absence of cost changes , it was not necessary to be able to actually measure the abstract concept of surplus in order to form the conclusion that monopoly would bring about a reduction in it .
18 Enjoying bondage is related to the early , or joyless , loss of virginity , while it is the men earning over £25,000 a year who are most likely to be partial to using whips .
19 Among the magazine articles , which are most likely to be interesting to her ?
20 It is always possible to be kinder to the earth , but it is not saving clumps of trees from the bulldozers which will matter in the next century .
21 Ignoring or actually offending local culture is hardly likely to be conducive to success !
22 After all , fear of the purchase process itself is hardly likely to be conducive to the build-up of positive feelings about the eventual product or service to be bought .
23 A national survey of teachers ' attitudes to equal opportunities found that men were more likely to be opposed to promoting equal opportunities than women , but that differences in subject taught were more important than the sex of the teacher in determining his or her attitude .
24 It is more likely to be relevant to medium and long term planning and forecasting , especially ( as far as this book is concerned ) as regards market development , growth and decline .
25 It is more likely to be relevant to medium and long term forecasting and planning than quantitative techniques .
26 One possibility is that generalized latent inhibition is likely to be weaker than that produced by pre-exposure to the CS itself and thus is more likely to be susceptible to the effect of the long interval .
27 They are more likely to be subject to polypharmacy and the harmful interactions of potent drugs .
28 While we might indeed readily hypothesize that these individuals were generally less likely than Ballymacarrett people to be subject to the pressures of their personal networks and more likely to be subject to a less localized outside influence , it is hard to suggest dimensions on which a number of looseknit networks , which differed greatly from each other , might be systematically compared ( but see 5.7.4 for an account of Bortoni-Ricardo 's study of rural immigrants to a Brazilian city ) .
29 Such catastrophic events , he believes , are more likely to be due to the receipt of a considerable volume of rainfall in a short space of time on to soils which are already saturated , as occurs during the monsoon season .
30 A deficit of isolated teeth may indicate preferential loss of teeth , but in most cases it is more likely to be due to sampling error , by the failure to extract all the teeth from the pellets .
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