Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] as [pron] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Disraeli Gears from Tesside are rather different as they look to the energy and rawness of the Sixties rather the dull produced stomp of Nineties ' heavy rock/ metal .
2 The precise reasons for this apparently surprising appointment are not entirely clear as there appears to be no detailed documentation , but it is almost certain the initiative came from Harold Shearman , then District Chairman .
3 When the accompanying chords are detached , it is not necessary to make the melodic line quite so powerful as it has to be to come through a mass of sustained harmony .
4 " I " m not so young as I used to was " is wrong , except that when Somerset Maughan makes a Cockney landlady say it , it makes perfectly good sense .
5 You really are not so handsome as you promised to be ; and I have long wished , by conversation like this , to do away what mischief the flattering character I gave of you may expose you to .
6 Timings were not available as we went to press but it seems that this year 's performance honours must go to the Riddles machine .
7 They are becoming increasingly more important as they want to er and try to impose policy on travellers , and therefore price is becoming much more of an issue with them .
8 The prospect of genetic intervention is much more appealing as it gets to the core of the problem .
9 ‘ My dear Paige , at my age , nothing seems as hopeless as it does to you .
10 Erm I think probably yes the debate has been probably as extensive as it needs to be .
11 Pockets of resistance still remained in 1922 , in Tambov , Siberia , Georgia , and Central Asia : seemingly safe areas , like the Smolensk and Kursk gubernii , were not as stable as they seemed to be on the surface .
12 We were always careful , but not as careful as we have to be now .
13 To discover whether Jews were as compassionate as they claimed to be he donned dark spectacles and stuck a notice to the rear window of his Buick : ‘ Careful !
14 Higher than its current rate of 1.8m ( 6.2% ) , but probably not as high as it had to in the mid-1980s .
15 She was a clever old — Well , let's just say she was cleverer than Maurice thought , though not as clever as she needed to be .
16 But like every other species , including the human , the bee is just as clever as it needs to be .
17 No one could be as ignorant as you pretend to be . ’
18 Perhaps it was n't as cold as it seemed to her distorted senses .
19 But he was not as fast as he wanted to be .
20 It no longer seems as obvious as it used to that I can detach myself from my interactions with other things , observe them objectively , and arrive at facts about them wholly independent of my own reactions and decisions .
21 Do n't answer , she adjured herself ; it is n't mandatory ; he 's only doing it to annoy you — then found she was totally incapable of being as rude as she wanted to be .
22 For the British , then , the picture was not ultimately as black as it appeared to be in 1945. for their part , the Americans viewed the British with considerable suspicion , and harboured their traditional fears of being outmanoeuvred .
23 But the government believes that , not least in the light of what is being achieved in other countries , the standards now generally attained by our pupils are neither as good as they can be , nor as good as they need to be if young people are to be equipped for the world of the twenty-first century .
24 There are several obvious flowers , such as forget-me-nots , which can either be used as a spray or individually , and wild flowers are often useful as they tend to be small .
25 I 'd like confirmation that he 's as crippled as he appears to be , because , much as I 'd like to , I can think of no way in which a man in his apparent condition could have pulled off this murder . ’
26 When drawing up your own table , you should include each of your child 's symptoms , making the list as long or as short as it needs to be .
27 It is still in its infancy and not as abstract as it aspires to be . ’
28 Erm you 'll recall the City Council 's objection was both to the level and the distribution of employment land in North Yorkshire , er in particular as far as it relates to the likely effects on regeneration in West Yorkshire and in Leeds in particular .
29 He got drunk that night , though not as drunk as he pretended to be .
30 Is Mark E Smith as grumpy as he appears to be ?
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