Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] that [pers pn] [vb -s] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In both cases the wages of journeywomen were so low that he associates them with prostitution : " Take a survey of all the common women of the town , who take their walks between Charing Cross and Fleet Ditch , and I am persuaded more than half of them have been bred milliners . "
2 So how would we find an outside correspondence for jealousy , a way of writing about it that would make it real for the reader , so real that it puts him/her in touch with his/her own jealousy ?
3 Its unique lightweight design is incredibly simple — so simple that it makes you wonder why nobody thought of it before !
4 If the theory that DNA and its copying machinery arose spontaneously is so improbable that it obliges us to assume that life is very rare in the universe , and may even be unique to Earth , our first resort is to try to find a more probable theory .
5 Frankly , the general tone of your question is so selfish that it makes me a bit dubious about the prospects of your marriage .
6 To the shrew , 24 hours seems so long that it divides it up into many smaller intervals of activity and rest , effectively experiencing many days within one rotation of the Earth .
7 He is speaking for a Government which has been in power so long that it believes it has a God-given right to govern and denies anyone the right to criticise .
8 The matches are made of a wood so flimsy that it reminds me of the balsa with which I tried , unsuccessfully , to build model aeroplanes .
9 The vision of Mrs Thatcher raising her arms at the Tory Party Conference and saying she is ‘ proud to be old ’ is so unlikely that it makes us smile .
10 With a choice we work perceptually on the alternatives to see if we can make one so attractive that it attracts us to ignore the others ; or we try to make the alternatives so unattractive that we can dismiss them one by one .
11 It 's er it is n't it is n't everyday language , and I 'm not sure that it helps us express what we really want to say .
12 The reason we know that God recognises this dimension in the human personality is that he goes to such great lengths to make it very clear that he loves us , and one of his primary commands to us is that we must love one another .
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