Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [to-vb] as [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Picasso , who was anxious to paint an object as he ‘ thought ’ it , or to express his ideas about it , was naturally anxious to explain as fully as possible the nature of its formal composition .
2 She was desparetely unlucky to fall as badly as she did .
3 It is also important to eliminate as far as possible any air pockets in pots of meat and fish .
4 The old woman scarcely said a word and betrayed no emotion , although Martha felt an obscure sense of triumph and her mother was plainly anxious to leave as fast as possible .
5 The track now survives and is quite easy to follow as far as Cemmaes .
6 It is then wise to thresh as soon as possible to avoid loss to rats and mice .
7 It was very important to know as near as possible the number of kibbles which could be mined weekly " upon which the projects of gaine or loss are to be framed . "
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