Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [to-vb] and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was so strange to meet and talk to them in the flesh .
2 In general , the lower an individual 's class position , the more likely he or she is to leave school at the minimum leaving age and the less likely to aspire and strive for a highly rewarded position .
3 But in practice , the growth rate in earnings is extremely difficult to determine and has to be forecast .
4 The wheat is less reliable , both in yield and quality , being much slower to get away in a cold spring and less certain to ripen and harden into high-quality baking grain .
5 Why is it so necessary to beatify and live in awe of people because they have a God-given gift that is so wonderful ?
6 Thicker films , while less liable to crinkle and curl on porous or high relief specimens , are much more difficult to mount flat , and give lower contrast and microscopic resolution .
7 After a success it is obviously tempting to relax and bask in feelings of self-congratulation .
8 Mr. Burke submits that if judicial review lies at all , then it is not possible to pick and choose between Lord Diplock 's three categories : it must lie on all three grounds or not at all .
9 Also , it is n't physically possible to sit and listen to a rap album all the way through .
10 Every society requires its witnesses : those who are not afraid to render and preserve in words the range and scope of human experience for that time and that place .
11 men who are heavily involved in jural-political , overt and conscious structure are not free to meditate and speculate on the combinations and oppositions of thought ; they are themselves too crucially involved in the combinations and oppositions of social and political structure and stratification .
12 Mongolia is remote , not easy to reach and feels like it .
13 Degree of transfer is not easy to measure and needs to be carefully defined .
14 The excitement that was building up inside her had nothing to do with the fact that Ace Barton was probably just a few feet away from her , she told herself as she tried desperately hard to try and disentangle from the different voices one she hoped to recognise .
15 But herein lay his greatest distress at this moment : he was utterly unable to name and fix on a place . ’
16 Nor was there any instance , as far as I could see , of the faithful lover dying before his long wait was rewarded ; or thought of how the heroine might have felt in such a case , with brothers and sisters flown the nest , father and mother dead , hero dead , the house empty , and the mind , so long attuned and subjected to the needs of other minds , no longer able to recognize and adapt to its own needs .
17 For that analysis suggests that if aggregate demand shocks are kept to a minimum , ideally at zero , economic agents will be best able to recognize and respond to relative demand shocks even though they do not observe any other current prices than their own .
18 I am not able to eat and talk at the same time , so I apologized to my neighbours for this .
19 But even these are a trifle accommodating : ‘ not on age alone ’ or ‘ provided that the member is still able to grasp and contribute to meetings ’ are riders that have an odd air about them .
20 The former is mainly concerned with the achievement of goals , not overly concerned about opposition and the costs of disturbance ; the latter is more concerned to represent and respond to diverse interests and is willing to arrive at compromises , if necessary sacrificing policy goals .
21 She still likes pop music , especially the singers and groups she grew up with , like Neil Diamond , Dire Straits and Duran Duran , and thoroughly enjoys the rock concerts she attends , but she now finds classical music more soothing to read and work to .
22 Second , quality improvement is far more difficult to define and measure in health than it is in education .
23 In the case of the hierarchical data mapping , the one-to-many relationship types can be represented as parent-child relationships but many-to-many relationships are more difficult to represent and lead to duplication .
24 These families are likely to be considerably more difficult to identify and to involve in preventive programmes .
25 Coun Taylor said : ‘ We are always ready to talk and look at the statistical evidence for increased safety measures .
26 We are always ready to assist and advise in the development of video film for your products and company , where none is available .
27 When restrictions on bank credit were relaxed , companies found it more advantageous to lend and borrow through banks , particularly as when they dealt directly transactions were unsecured .
28 Many people believe they know what is meant by orientalism , yet it is notoriously difficult to comprehend and to write about the whole of this protean subject .
29 Infectious diseases , particularly the diarrhoeal diseases , are both difficult to prevent and control in such circumstances and they are largely responsible for the high morbidity and mortality rates in many areas of the world .
30 Since the press was now free to publish and comment on all aspects of political life , strident debates took place in the columns of the newspapers and even , though more timidly , within the Legislative Body itself .
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