Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [subord] it [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 However , the situation is not quite so clear as it initially appears to be : in some earlier studies poly 3-deazaadenylic acid was shown to form unusually stable 1:1 and 1:2 duplexes with poly U ( 13 ) .
2 The next top up was n't so good as it only worked on one side and all the pain was concentrated in one place .
3 Now , obviously , you know , yo getting the menopause out into the open so that everyone can talk about it , exchange information that that it 's not seen as a as a taboo or something to be particularly fearful of by men or women is n't going to be much good if it just makes everybody worry for er , for for the first half of o o o of their lives and , and then gibber through the second half !
4 Let us assume , in accordance with the Marxist concept , that in the earliest human societies there was no political domination , in however rudimentary a form ( not even the domination of women by men ) , though this may seem less probable than it once did , in the light of recent studies of animal societies .
5 It is very effective and almost shocking when you realise that what he is saying makes complete sense and the uselessness of war is so true as it really achieves very little good if any at all .
6 An action is relevantly similar if it too has the properties which constituted one 's reasons for the judgement in the first case .
7 [ History ] is not rigorous because it always proceeds by faults and corrections , because it is not in any way a universal schema but a unique adventure that unfolds on the basis of prehistoric circumstances which constitute in themselves , and in relation to all the objectives and all the practices , a heavy and badly understood legacy of fundamental deviations .
8 That is an appalling situation , but it is made more appalling because it mainly affects students from the poorest backgrounds , those whose parents are on low incomes and who get no financial help from their parents because they can not afford to give it .
9 Rory thought now that his brother must have exaggerated the story , made it more horrific than it really had been , and he certainly did n't believe that Lachy had run away to sea just so that he could wear an eye-patch and pretend he was a pirate .
10 As this ratio fell , the convertibility of dollars into gold became more and more fragile until it finally snapped ( table 10.7 ) .
11 The hot day , my uncomfortable collar made tighter by a tie on this deserted Sunday , made this make-believe rendezvous more unreal than it already had become .
12 From the first days of August , the president has had trouble even articulating the war aims , as not a few American commentators pointed out before ‘ supporting our boys ’ , prayer breakfasts , and a patriotism that may be more anxious than it yet seems , silenced them .
13 That made the system look more Erastian than it ever looked before .
14 You know it 's it 's as possible as it always has been .
15 Although his voice rides the airwaves as fresh as it ever did , he admits that physically he is past his prime : arthritis brings him recurring pain in his legs although he has already lived 18 months longer than he was told a 60-a-day smoking habit would allow .
16 Come to think of it , the Krooms may have come from outer space , though outer space was not then as popular as it later became for launching expeditions against Earthmen .
17 Not as funny as it actually happening and you getting covered in vomit but I mean it 's still vaguely amusing .
18 In my view the one disadvantage still to be overcome is that the receiver is not as waterproof as it really needs to be .
19 The argument proposed by Moscovitch is not as far-fetched as it perhaps appears .
20 This requires you to delay your body clock , which tends to be comparatively easy since it naturally tends to run rather slowly .
21 MI5 will remain as unaccountable as it always has been and since it blatantly ignored the 1952 directive for over three decades without once being publicly called to account there is no reason to believe that MI5 will be any more law-abiding now .
22 The positioning of the reference card does need to be fairly accurate if it nearly fills the space allotted .
23 They were often made from bone and antler , although wood may have been used more often than is now apparent because it rarely survives .
24 Obtaining compliance will be as difficult as it always has been , but an international community which has used sanctions to encourage change in southern Africa should be able to tackle the much more serious issues of enforcement associated with climate change and international security .
25 In these passages there is a feeling of necessary novocaine ; morally we are like the refrigerated tongue on the dentist 's chair , mouth open as wide as it ever goes to the instruments of pain , but speechless .
26 One of the issues is we 're not quite sure whether we 've got a change in our planned spend , which is what makes the , the comparison against budget look as bad as it currently does , or whether in fact we genuinely are gon na over-run significantly .
27 It is an irony that in this mechanical age the Royal Veterinary College is probably as secure as it ever has been , while the scientific and professional challenges become ever more complex .
28 It is now as quiet as it ever gets in Balham .
29 But this conclusion is not particularly illuminating as it merely says that children come into local authority care when no one else can care for them , a repetitive statement we call a tautology .
30 Islam is also the most recent as it only began in 612 A.D. Even though this religion is different from others it still has the common belief in good that all religions have .
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