Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [coord] it be very " in BNC.

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1 I got the angle just right and it 's very flattering ; you almost would n't recognize me .
2 She said : ‘ It was leaked while Leonora was still alive and it was very distressing . ’
3 Terrific strides have been made in mental health in this county erm lots of it under voluntary and it is very much to be commended .
4 Now isolated they look fairly meaningless and it 's very hard to work out what they are .
5 I i it was n't easy but it was very fair .
6 The snow was n't deep but it was very heavy .
7 Monetarily , I have n't any idea what it 's worth , er it 's not everybody 's cup of tea , it is a cockfighting chair and it 's not particularly beautiful but it 's very very interesting .
8 As more companies attempt to take a bite at this particular cake , the market becomes increasingly fragmented and it is very difficult indeed to achieve strong enough support for any particular design though each has its own supporters .
9 Yesterday it was very cold but it was very nice
10 er it 's very complicated and it 's very cumbersome .
11 She says he 's very happy and it 's very important to him that 's he 's arrived at Stoke Manceville because it 's well known .
12 I 've never been in jail and I never wan na find out what it 's like in jail but if you actually ever go to the police station , Harlow police station , they sometimes let people up there and do tours , no one likes being left in the cell cos when the door closes it 's very very small and it 's very claustrophobic , and it 's not very nice .
13 So I always try to do that but I , I , again I find that it 's very erm very tiring and it 's very , gets very can get very involved with it , so I would like us , I 'd like you to think of the idea of a social secretary to help with the raffles and organizing what 's going on at the meetings please .
14 So goods with a medieval theme , some of them very special like this Czech Bohemian glass which is we 're the only stockists in the country , it is very expensive but it is very lovely and each piece is handmade .
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