Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [pers pn] [be] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 No clear principles determine the allocation of disputes to these bodies although the greater the element of discretion and the more important the policy considerations , the less likely it is for the courts to take on the new area of responsibility .
2 owing to the difficulty of forecasting [ … ] the less possible , and indeed , the less desirable it is for the person purchasing to specify what the other contracting party is expected to do [ …
3 They had walked quite some miles , she realised on the return journey , and she had been in his company for quite some while , so it came as no surprise to also realise how totally unsuited she was for the job she was there to do .
4 Generally speaking , the longer the period of planning for an escape the more satisfactory it was for the prospective escaper .
5 He could tell her face to face how sorry he was for the incident of the previous night .
6 She remembered the bride of one year , alight with the happiness of those early celebrations when the Grand Duke had granted the first liberties , and thought how strange it was for an English woman to be so mad with joy .
7 Christian preachers could declare how wrong it was for an individual to be dominated by another so as to be his legal property , and to be bought for much less than the rich would give for a racehorse .
8 You know as well as I do how dangerous it is for a woman alone on the roads — any pervert could pick you up ! ’
9 In few cases was the curriculum criticized adversely , but in one or two cases a particular course was questioned in terms of how appropriate it was for the pupils , or because an aspect of the curriculum was underdeveloped .
10 Boyle spoke yesterday of how delighted he was for the two athletes and the satisfaction their golden double gave him .
11 Control of the rhythm of the lesson will depend partly on the structure of the program and how easy it is for the teacher to use .
12 A group of fifth form pupils when asked for their response after using a simulation on the Arab-Israeli situation , remarked that one thing it had demonstrated was how easy it was for the countries to slide into war !
13 The accident was seen by Iain Macdonald , a Strathclyde regional councillor who is chairman of the Nuclear Free Zones Scotland organisation : ‘ We have seen with our own eyes how simple it is for a road accident to take place and there is no reason why the convoy itself could not have been involved .
14 By patiently watching and recording hits we can build up a probability profile which will indicate how likely it is for a bullet to hit any particular point on the detector .
15 ‘ There is a sick Jewish problem of voting for a black man no matter how unfit he is for the job , ’ he said .
16 ‘ Oh ! if those who rule the destinies of nations would but remember … how hard it is for the very poor to have engendered in their hearts that love of home from which all domestic virtues spring , when they live in dense and squalid masses where social decency is lost , or rather never found , ’ Dickens exclaims in The Old Curiosity Shop .
17 They often discussed his family together and how hard it was for a single man to bring up children alone .
18 After he had left the office his senior colleague observed with undisguised admiration how well Fred knew his district and how valuable it was for an officer to have such knowledge at his fingertips .
19 He stressed how unwise it was for the House to curtail Committee stages .
20 Which is why I 'm ringing , ’ Rosemary revealed , and confessed , ‘ I have n't let myself face how lonely I was for the sound of his voice .
21 It is less immediately evident that such an understanding should be necessary in order to account for the formal properties of code switching , although I would argue strongly that it is , inasmuch as the extent to which switching may take place is in part a function of the extent to which the codes involved have " fused " within a community , i.e. how interchangeable they are for the different purposes of everyday interaction .
22 The conversion also shows how important it is for the planning authority to be flexible about change of use so the right scheme does not get blocked prematurely .
23 We have seen how important it is for the retailer to choose the right place and the right product .
24 Just how important it is for the mountain goat to be footsure is summed up by Doug Chadwick , an American biologist who lived with goats for several years :
25 For all its graphs , diagrams and photographs and highly technical text , I was glad to see that the practical matters were not neglected and the author was keen to emphasise the personal touch and how important it is for the stockman to treat his cows with confidence , affection and respect .
26 They knew how important it was for a baby to have fresh air and sun .
27 How thankful I was for the strength these two shared with me !
28 For Dr Petruska Clarkson , Director of the Metanoia Psychotherapy Training Institute the disturbing picture now emerging is a brutally clear example of how difficult it is for a human being to adjust to a radically different reality .
29 These trends indicate how difficult it is for the market to translate what it has been told about the purchasing power of this group into reality .
30 That elected governments find it necessary to bow to the wishes of big privately owned companies , that the organs which so largely shape public opinion can be bought and sold by millionaires and treated by them simply as pieces of private property ( which is ' of course , what they are ) , demonstrates how difficult it is for an active and effective democracy to coexist with monopoly capitalism .
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