Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [conj] as [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At first it was cool and rather pleasant but as the day wore on , the temperature in the room rose .
2 All information available is necessarily historical but as the past is mainly a reliable guide for the future it is useful in helping you decide whether you should or should n't give credit .
3 But it was not expandable and as the creature grew , it had to shed its shell regularly .
4 It was always apparent that as the AOR was completed many jobs and skills would not be required in the new orders that have come through .
5 Increasingly as the world becomes more and more competitive and as the skills of manufacture become more easily replicated , the selling of a defined product against a formula becomes , from a competitive point of view , a matter of cost and ability to command a market position .
6 This is not as objectionable though as the host of descriptions which virtually conceal the identity of the product and refer to it by any of a number of lurid , dramatic or pseudo scientific titles which bear little if any relationship to function .
7 Er that which makes it as critical as as a lot of er paper work .
8 Given the right conditions the growth of the foliage will be quite fast and as the days get longer the flower buds will start to appear .
9 It is sadly obvious that as the author of the guidebook moved further south into regions more and more unfamiliar to him so his prejudices became more and more vitriolic .
10 I was asked to be a coachman for Cinderella with my best friend , of course I was very excited and as the time grew nearer my costume was made and fitted .
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