Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [conj] he [vb -s] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In both cases the wages of journeywomen were so low that he associates them with prostitution : " Take a survey of all the common women of the town , who take their walks between Charing Cross and Fleet Ditch , and I am persuaded more than half of them have been bred milliners . "
2 She is frightened , and much relieved when he puts her down .
3 ‘ He can swim long distances , mostly one-sided but he manages it , and he adores it .
4 Well I 'm not interested where he takes it !
5 Indeed , if he has a fault as a critic it is in his boyishly enthusiastic generosity towards authors — Thomas Usk , Lydgate — who are not really as interesting as he makes them sound .
6 She is severely disabled and he takes her everywhere .
7 But Father can be remarkably obstinate when he thinks he knows what he wants and Mother is putty in his hands .
8 Harriet is completely relaxed as he carries her ( above ) .
9 He can be hugely intelligent when he thinks they can be of assistance to him , but most of the time he knows they 're a poorish and raffish lot , living off their own enthusiasms and frustrations .
10 The reason we know that God recognises this dimension in the human personality is that he goes to such great lengths to make it very clear that he loves us , and one of his primary commands to us is that we must love one another .
11 Sir Michael , now 88 , adds that the performance is very appropriate and he wishes it great success .
12 He 's very , very clever and he teaches me sums and helps me with my homework .
13 ‘ Dad 's very , very clever and he teaches me sums ’
14 ‘ But he wo n't be very pleased if he thinks I 've seen him lurking .
15 Do n't be too hurt if he shuts us both out now , ’ said Anthony .
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