Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But one can not help thinking that a far greater contribution to the preservation of the World 's rain forests would be made if companies could be persuaded to make their annual brochures less glossy and to print them on re-cycled paper .
2 What I liked about it was that though it was biting sarcasm , the way he spoke it gave you the impression not of a man who was bitter in any way , but of a man who pitied the members of the government for being so rotten and pitied us for being governed by such scum .
3 ‘ Nevertheless it has to be recognised that there is an unbroken series of dicta in judgments of appellate courts to the effect that there is a judicial discretion to exclude admissible evidence which has been ‘ obtained ’ unfairly or by trickery or oppressively , although except in Reg. v. Payne [ 1963 ] 1 W.L.R. 637 , there never has been a case in which those courts have come across conduct so unfair , so tricky or so oppressive as to justify them in holding that the discretion ought to have been exercised in favour of exclusion .
4 In certain circumstances the trial judge might feel that the facts relating to the making of statements such as those made in this case to Mr. O'Hanlon were so unusual as to justify him in directing the prosecution to furnish them to the defence , but this must be a matter within the discretion of the trial judge .
5 It is recommended that this error log is never allowed to grow so large that typing it to the screen takes a significant amount of time .
6 the semantic net is so large that to traverse it by hand would be laborious , and
7 ‘ A clergyman of the neighbourhood , who was so obliging as to accompany me in this and several other rambles amongst these mountains , formed the wild idea of attempting to climb apparently up the face of the precipice , and I , eager in my pursuit , did not object to the adventure .
8 JEWKES : O , you are very good , sir , very forgiving indeed , but come , I hope you will be so good as to take her to your bosom and that my tomorrow morning you 'll bring her to a better sense of her duty .
9 When any seeds arrive from him I will take the first opportunity of sending you a share and in return shall trouble you for some Northern and Welsh plants which I hope we shall make proper conveniency to receive into our Garden in a short time ; for several of those which you were so good as to furnish me with a few years since are lost for want of proper soil and situation , the natural earth of our Garden being too light and dry and the bottom too warm .
10 His attachment to classical principle was not so great as to deter him from practical innovation .
11 The EC defines people in poverty as those whose ‘ resources are so small as to exclude them from the minimum acceptable way of life of the member state in which they live ’ .
12 ‘ Would you be so kind as to excuse me for a moment ?
13 The subjective conviction of heightened awareness is so treacherous that to exempt it from the critical tests of reason is to put oneself at the mercy of chance .
14 The persons surveyed were certainly eminent , but mostly people ( even politicians ! ) whose achievements were rarely so enduring as to place them in the class apart to which we would assign the truly original thinkers in history .
15 My next move was to persuade Miss Hildegard Fritz-Denneville to be finally independent and join her in partnership as an art dealer , starting a new career .
16 So they kill or look for carcasses already available and search them for beetles , spiders , maggots and the like , turning the bodies over from time to time to aid their search .
17 Angler 's Mail and Bob recognise that the criticisms were not fair and withdraw them with apologies to the Wyre Boat Angling Club .
18 Pilger then got even more upset and accused him of wanting to produce the Daily Star .
19 Giving credit for extended periods is always more risky than giving it for shorter periods .
20 A period of sharing your home is sometimes healthy , because it teaches you to be more adaptable and stops you from becoming too set in your ways .
21 This is obviously far more satisfactory than leaving it to a widely dispersed class of persons each of whom may lack the skill , interest and financial resources required if he is to take action on his own .
22 Chasing prey through the tree-tops is much more hazardous than pursuing them along the ground , as this raccoon-hunting puma is discovering ( below ) .
23 I 'm trying to make it more beautiful and transform it into the language of clothes .
24 What could be more arrogant than to deny it to them ? ’
25 His blindness was more spiritual and endeared him to her .
26 Far better to let them grow up safe than expose them by making himself conspicuous .
27 I 'll cut him up small and fry him for the kids ' breakfast .
28 But the swimming both pleased and excited him with its demands .
29 Keep the forceps used for handling grids scrupulously clean and wipe them after each step by punching the tips through No.1 Whatman filter paper , or bibulous paper .
30 She felt a warm rush of gratitude for his sensitivity as he kissed and played with her in a teasing , light-hearted way which both excited and disarmed her at first .
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