Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [conj] [adj] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 It has been starved of funds , and leading politicians with the power to do something about it have done little or nothing , apparently content as long as the radio reported what they wanted it to report .
2 It is remarkable that a cell as overtly dull and structureless as the fertilized egg can give rise to such varied and complex forms .
3 And , if the situation with regard to individual psychological development and the evolution of culture is as I have represented it , then this is merely the first of many profound insights into the psychology of the ego — and perhaps most especially the superego — which can be expected but which were totally unobtainable as long as the individualistic fallacy blocked the way .
4 In summary , Warwickshire 's batting is usually adequate as long as the bowlers are able to put a squeeze on the opposition .
5 HRT is also of benefit for the intermediate symptoms of the menopause , those that do not appear until some time after periods have stopped but which tend to get more noticeable and troublesome as the years go by .
6 In fact , Thomas 's evidence became more ambiguous and confusing as the questioning went on , and taken with that of other witnesses , such as Fred Morton of Fellows , Morton and Clayton , it becomes clear that there were no realistic expectations of improvement of canal traffic , either in the form of coal or of other minerals with or without substantial reconstruction of the canal system .
7 The war in the Far East was far from over , and the fighting was becoming more desperate and costly as the Allies approached the Japanese homeland .
8 Wherever she looked he was watching her , when she turned to throw the ball he was beside her , his lean , tanned body glistening with thousands of drops of water accidentally brushing against hers , his touch like sudden little electric shocks , both unexpected and thrilling as the game became like some tantalising water charade .
9 I began to realize how inadequate my picture of Laura was ; that I had made no room in my thoughts for an independent life of her own , let alone one as earthed and pragmatic as the potter 's craft .
10 Cork and Sam Quigg of Belfast proving that the Irish can be as alert and constructive as the rest of Britain .
11 Passats , BMWs , dormer windows , back extensions , wooden garden sheds , all meant something more than at first appeared — white wooden railings , gold nameplates on doors , stained-glass windows in bathrooms , net curtains , numbered dustbins , unnumbered dustbins , sash windows , plate-glass windows , windows with double glazing , windows without double glazing , walls painted white , all of this was part of a body of myth as strange and mysterious as the Epic of Gilgamesh .
12 At the heart of the urgent appeal of such songs are Tom 's strident vocals , which sound every bit as doomy and forceful as the material demands .
13 It was as tall and cold as a glacier rolling down a valley , crunching trees like matchsticks .
14 As frail and pitiful as a moth in spring .
15 Half an hour later , her second son emerged , as strong and healthy as the first , and Pen Browning arrived two hours later to go into paroxysms of delight .
16 I do n't think any woman , unless an old maid , hankers after emancipation of that sort , which seems to mean that , mounted on her bike , a girl can ride away anywhere and do anything all alone , without either male friend or chaperone , that she can guide and protect herself and be as free and easy as the wind …
17 For all I know he may be as fresh and innocent as the dawn 's early dew . ’
18 Why does a barrow boy selling bunched radishes and salad greens in the market at Chinon know by instinct so to arrange his produce that he has created a little spectacle as fresh and gay as a Dufy painting , and you are at once convinced that unless you taste some of his radishes you will be missing an experience which seems of more urgency than a visit to the Chateau of Chinon ?
19 When I get to the road , with St James 's Park beyond , as fresh and green as an early summer salad , I stop and turn .
20 Now , following the rains , the wild Australian bush was as meek and hospitable as the English countryside , with only the incidental reminder of its former ferocity .
21 And most , they tend to add , are about as interesting and distinctive as the cowboy hats that the men still insist on wearing .
22 Varying the textures within this sort of monochromatic colour scheme can be just as interesting and lively as a scheme full of more obvious contrasts .
23 Admitting that to someone as detached and uninterested as the man standing in front of the fireplace was going to take all the courage she had …
24 The barn was as high and big as a huge hall , an earthen floor strewn with finely scattered straw .
25 He was as rigid and unyielding as the rugby-tackling machine at school .
26 Indeed , if performance criteria are to be national , if they are to have currency throughout the system , and if they are to be as detailed and specific as the proponents of criterion-referenced testing insist , then this reform presages central intervention in the school curriculum of a most emphatic kind .
27 His reply was as light and harmless as a butterfly .
28 It darted up a tree with breathtaking ease , and the young man watched it leaping from bough to bough , as light and airy as a puff of grey smoke .
29 I can still remember the sound it made , a lovely special sound , as light and thin as the clothes were thick and heavy .
30 This low alcohol version is as light and approachable as the full strength variety and is ideal for parties .
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