Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [conj] [noun sg] [vb -s] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Surprisingly it can happen in retail chains when the strategy has gone badly wrong and trouble occurs on all fronts at the same time .
2 In the general hospital , where visitors pour through every day of the week , physical humiliation is less likely though ward rounds by some consultants are still an exercise in treating the patient as a malfunctioning piece of machinery .
3 But uncomfortable questions must also be raised about the less traditional and disciplinarian approaches to education , to family , and to other social institutions which Left and liberal opinion have championed .
4 Under the immensity of weight which such considerations hold for the developing youngster , it is not surprising that sexuality falls into comparative disregard .
5 These possibilities , and from time to time actualities , of conflict may be observed in many different spheres : in the strains which arise from the redistribution of economic resources between industrial and developing countries , and from the scarcity of some natural resources , which will become more acute as industrialization proceeds throughout the world ; in the difficulties of controlling the spread of nuclear weapons ; in the more directly political struggles for power and prestige in some regions of the world ( for example , in the Middle East and among Latin American countries ) , and until recently between two nuclear superpowers .
6 The effect that this current has on the rest of the dendrite , and hence in due course the cell body , depends very much on the geometry of the region around the synapse ; biophysical calculations show that spine synapses are more effective than shaft synapses in spreading the current , and in any given spine , the current flow is dependent on its exact shape .
7 That nurture is more important than nature seems to be borne out by a study published in Nature in 1989 .
8 Sometimes when the changes are slower it can be more difficult because allowance has to be made for the natural variations that occur hour by hour in an illness even without any treatment .
9 It seems fairly certain that oil exports to the West must fall , due to domestic and COMECON needs .
10 If we were to express the interrelation of identity and participation in classical Hindu terminology we might say that while knowledge , jñāna , leads to action , karma , it is equally true that action leads to knowledge .
11 Indeed , the excise duties remained so markedly different that tax controls on the borders between the Benelux states had to be maintained .
12 The lack of either standard or system amounts to the same thing .
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